Affirmative Action Grant Application
Affirmative Action provides opportunities for historically underrepresented persons within our society. The Affirmative Action Committee is pleased to sponsor programming that serves to educate and inform our students, faculty, and staff on topics and/or issues pertaining to women, minorities including Asians or Pacific Islanders, Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans, persons with disabilities, and veterans.
This grant program will consider a wide range of projects and may be used to supplement funding for new or established programs. The Affirmative Action Committee will review the grant application and notify the designated contact person within 10 days of receipt of the application. Grant funds must be used by June 30, 2006. Projects must be completed by December 31, 2006. Applicants receiving funds must file a final report detailing how funds were used and project results with the Affirmative Action Committee within 30 days of project completion. Up to six awards with a maximum of $300 each will be funded.
While first priority will be afforded to applicants whose programming focuses on affirmative action, consideration will also be given to activities and programming relating to diversity. SUNY Cortland is dedicated to the affirmation and promotion of diversity in its broadest sense and the Affirmative Action Committee is committed to supporting the College in this endeavor.
QUESTIONS: If you have any questions about this application or the grant program, please feel free to contact Wendy McAllister (ext. 2302), Affirmative Action Officer, or Joy Hendrick (ext. 5707) or Pam Summers (ext. 2461), Affirmative Action Committee Co-Chairs.
1. Project Title: What are Students' Attitudes toward Faculty of Color?
Application Date: January 9, 2006
2. Proposing Organization/Persons: Lin Lin, Shufang Shi, Hee-Young Ki m
3. Contact Person: Lin Lin Phone Number: 607-753-4234
4. Campus or Mailing Address: Van Hoesen B134, Department of Childhood/Early Childhood Ed
5. Email Address of Contact Person __linlin@cortland.edu_
6. Total Funding Requested from the Affirmative Action Committee (maximum $300) _$300_
(Monies may not be used for travel, research, equipment, salaries, stipends for current SUNY Cortland/RF employees)
7. Funding from other sources (please detail ) None
8. Brief description of program (attach on separate page, if necessary):
State University of New York College at Cortland is dedicated to the affirmation and promotion of diversity in its broadest sense. The mission of the College requires that people of every background be able to study and work here with an expectation of respectful treatment. As this mission statement testifies, SUNY at Cortland has hired quite a number of faculty of color in the recent years. This proposed program attempts to examine students' attitudes of working with faculty of color based on their experiences of taking courses taught by faculty of color. The research question is: What are students' attitudes towards faculty of color?
The survey containing twenty questions will be conducted among student participants who have taken courses taught by faculty of color. The survey is adapted from a survey used in Seattle Museum for its staff development program. Our survey is designed to investigate SUNY Cortland students' attitudes toward faculty of color under the issues of faculty diversity which increasingly affect their lives and is pursued by the community of SUNY Cortland.
The study has implications for administrators, faculty, and students at SUNY Cortland. For administrators, the results of the study may serve as part of the beneficial database for policy making to improve campus diversity through more effective faculty development programs. Faculty of color may learn how to improve themselves to help students gain a better learning experience in their courses. Students may eventually benefit from a more diverse SUNY Cortland community. We assume students will work in a diverse workplace when they graduate from college. Students' awareness of diversity and their attitudes towards people of color will in time broaden their minds to work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds.
Explain how this project supports the spirit of Affirmative Action:
This project will support the spirit of Affirmative Action in the following ways. First, the findings of the study will contribute to confrontations of issues in the academic community of diversity. Second, the study may also provide insights for policies of hiring and professional development, which will make SUNY Cortland a place with educational value of diversity. A diverse campus will draw more faculty and students from diverse backgrounds. Third, the study will contribute to building the educational environment with various perspective shaped (not defined) by having an increasingly diverse learning community. Last, the study will provide feedback to direct resources to make SUNY Cortland a national model Affirmative Action institution, which addresses diversity issues to improve its teaching and research environment.
10. Include a specific budget:
(Monies may not be used for travel, research, equipment, salaries, stipends for current SUNY Cortland/RF employees)
Survey-related expenses (copies, cartridge, paper, working lunches, special Software for data analysis): $300
What is the time frame for this project?
January 23 February 23, 2006 Initial sampling of our potential participants
March 1 May 23, 2006 Administering the Survey
June 1 June 30, 2006 Data Collection and Analysis
September 1 November 30 Write-up the Study Report
Sharing with the Affirmative Action Committee
Present the study at AERA
Describe how you will recognize the Affirmative Action Committee for supporting this project:
In our report and presentations of the study on all occasions, the sponsorship of the Affirmative Action Committee will be clearly acknowledged.
Deadline for receipt of applications: 4p.m., Friday, January, 20, 2006
Applications should be forwarded to: Wendy McAllister, Affirmative Action Officer
Human Resources, Miller Building Room 303
Recipients will be notified within 10 days of receipt of this application.
Office Use Only: Received _______ By ______