EDU 524 601: Democracy and Social Education

SUNY Cortland

Education Department


Course Information: Professor Information:

Credit Hours: 3 Instructor: Lin Lin

Spring 2006 Office Phone: 607-753-4234

Van Hoesen B0140 Email:

4:20–6:50 PM Tuesdays Office Hours: Tuesdays after class

Or by appointment (716-348-0234 cell)


Suggested Text : (excerpts will be provided for class discussion)

The Language Police, Alfred A Knopf ISBN 0375414827

Harry Wong First Days Of School, Harry Wong Publications ISBN 0962936022

Teaching Children To Care, Northeast Foundation for Children ISBN 0961863617

You Can't Say You Can't Play, Harvard University Press ISBN 0674965906



American Teacher Magazine Articles

New York State Standards and Curriculum Guide

National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies


Hursh, D.W.,& Ross, E.W. (2000). Democratic Social Education: Social Studies for Social Change. New York : Falmer Press.


Stauber, J. & Rampton, S. (1995). Toxic sludge is good for you! Monroe Maine : Common Courage Press.


Symcox, Linda. (2002). Whose History? The Struggle for National Standards in American Classrooms. Teachers College, Columbia University . New York .


Kozol , Amazing Grace

Kozol , Ordinary Resurrections

Kozol, Savage Inequalities


Current Events


Course Description:

The focus of this preparation will be conducted through research-based and self-reflective-oriented inquiry. It will analyze and define democracy and social education in the context of American public schools. Students will confront the antidemocratic forces of greed, individualism, and intolerance in today's society and be challenged to implement the study of social education with the goal of social justice. Students will be exposed to a theoretical and historical analysis of education and society. The course will also provide a practical analysis of classroom pedagogy and school organization.


Goals/Objectives of the Course:

Students will be able to

  1. understand topics and issues related to the course themes.
  2. write reflection essays based on course reading assignments.
  3. use local historical document or artifact
  4. integrate technology into instruction
  5. analyze the social studies school curriculum and social studies state standards
  6. create a lesson plan, which includes social democracy and social justice.


Course themes:

Theme I: Social Purposes of Education

Traditional social studies instruction

Multicultural democracy

Tolerance or Acceptance

Neutrality or Objectivity


Theme II: Social Studies Curriculum Defined

Authentic Democracy

Legitimization of knowledge within colleges of education

Transformative pedagogical practice


Theme III: Indoctrination or Democratization

Teach for social change

Role of classroom conservatism

Social activism


How The Themes Reflect Specific Components of Cortland 's Conceptual Framework:

Successful Education 524 students will demonstrate their proficiency in SUNY Cortland Conceptual Framework's; Knowledge Base, Professional Commitments, Standards, Diversity, and Technology and National Council of Social Studies, Expectations of Excellence, Two: Ten Strands, Civic Ideals and Practices . Students will relate these expectations to the National Professional Teaching Standards.


Course Requirement

•  Active insightful participation in class discussions and peer small-group interactions

•  Completion, analysis and reflection of all readings

•  Satisfactory completion of all assignments


•  Professionalism : (5 points) Attendance and Punctuality

The attendance policy for this course is based on the SUNY Cortland Catalog.

Attendance, punctuality, and active participation in class are considered indicators of your professionalism and dedication.  Students who demonstrate professionalism by participating in class, arriving on time, and attending class meetings should expect to receive a higher course grade than those who do not.  The following scale will be used to calculate your attendance points:  0-1 absences = 5 pts; 2 absences = 3 pts; 3 absences = 1 pts; 4 absences = 0 for attendance and a letter grade deduction from the course grade. More than 4 absences will result in a grade of F for the course.  Arriving more than 30 minutes late and/or leaving early will be counted as an absence.

PLEASE NOTE: I realize that circumstances beyond your control may at times require that you arrive late, leave early, or miss class. Please write a note to me explaining any such circumstances in case I do not remember verbal explanations. I will not excuse absences, but I will take reasonable conflicts into consideration when calculating final course grades.

It is your responsibility to keep copies of all handouts and other course materials and document your class performance should questions arise. Copies of missed handouts should be secured from fellow students first since multiple copies of old handouts are not carried to class each day by the instructor. As an alternative, you could talk to me directly about missed handouts and get them after class if possible.


This course is a study of social education. Your participation in class discussions is crucial. Readings must be completed before class time. Additional reading (outside of the assigned text) is encouraged.


•  Active Participation : (30 points): Five Mini-Reflections One- to Three-Page Essays

To be completed in class, or submitted through WebCt

Active participation is demonstrated through accurate comprehension and insightful mini-reflections of the reading assignments through whole-class or group discussions, participation in the class activities, and thoughtful reflections on the reading assignments, websites, and activities through short reflections writing. Specific focus of each reflection will be determined based on our discussions in class.


Throughout the whole semester, as you read the required reading assignments and participate in class activities/discussions, you will be asked to write five one- to three-page reflection essays in class or outside class reflecting on the readings, activities, and discussions. Specific questions will be provided before class and you are required to write based on how well you understand the reading assignments and how you reflect on classroom discussions and activities.


Each mini-reflection essay has two key components: summary and critique. In the summary part, you summarize the main ideas of the article(s), website(s), or the class activity. In the critique part, you write a critique of the article, website, or class activity. Answer questions such as the following: Did you find the ideas presented in the article or activity useful? If so, how so? If not, why not?  Do you agree with the author(s)? Why/why not? If the article described a lesson idea, do you believe the idea is practical? If so, why? If not, what would you change? How does this article influence your understanding of social studies education?


You should attempt to make connections to previous courses, topics we've discussed in this class, your previous experiences in classrooms and with children, your experiences as a student and a teacher, your thoughts as a future teacher, etc. If you miss a session, which has an in-class reflection writing task, you could contact the instructor or classmates to make it up.



•  Small Group Project : (25 points) Social Education School Curriculum Analysis

Due Feb. 28

As a group, analyze the following documents (15 points):

NYSED Social Studies Resource Guide ( )

NYSED Social Studies Instructional Strategies Resources Pre-kindergarten – Grade 6 ( )

NBPTS five core propositions ( )

Education for Democracy and State Standards to Ensure a Civic Core ( )

National Council for the Social Studies ( )


Upon completion of the analysis, the small groups will reflect upon the following;

•  Do the guides support social education?

•  Is social justice evident?

•  Are current societal norms reflected in the guides?

•  What are your suggestions to enhance guides to reflect greater degree of support for democratic ideals?


Each student will submit a written analysis of state and national student standards and teacher standards (10 points).


•  Final Project : ( 40 points) Lesson Plan Due May 2

Create ONE lesson plan (30 points) which includes social democracy and social justice and implement all of the following:

1. Local Historical Document or Artifact

2. Technology

3. Tolerance/Acceptance

4. Interdisciplinary

5. Community Service


A lesson plan template will be provided as the semester goes. You are welcome to use any kind of lesson plan template so long as it has the following components in it: the title of your lesson, rationale/overview, grade level, instruction time, New York Learning Standards addressed, objectives/student learning outcomes, assessment/evaluation, differentiated instruction/adaptation/modification, materials/resources, and procedure (detailed with introductory, developmental, and closing activities).


Present the lesson plan to the whole class as a final exam (PowerPoint, or Poster Presentation) (10 points).


Grades will be based on participation in class discussions, class activities, the mini-reflections, small group project and the final project.


Professionalism 5 points

Mini Reflections (5 reflections x 6 pts) 30 points

Small Group Project 25 points

Written Lesson Plan (final) 30 points

Lesson Plan Presentation (final) 10 points



TOTAL 100 points


Grading will be based on participation and assignments. Numerical grade equivalents are as follows:

99-100 points = A+ 95 to 9 8 points = A 90 to 94 points =A-

80 to 83 points = B- 84 to 8 7 points = B 88 to 89 points = B+

78 to 79 points = C+ 74 to 77 points = C 70 to 73 points =C-

68 to 69 points = D + 64 to 67 points =D 60 to 63 points =D-

0 to 59 points = F


Academic Integrity

The College is an academic community that values academic integrity and takes seriously its responsibility for upholding academic honesty. All members of the academic community have an obligation to uphold high intellectual and ethical standards. For more information on academic integrity and academic dishonesty, please refer to the College Handbook, the College Catalog and the Code of Student Conduct and Related Policies or ask your instructor.  

Students with Disabilities

If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accommodations, please contact the Office of Student Disability Services located in B-40 Van Hoesen Hall or call (607) 753-2066 for an appointment. Information regarding your disability will be treated in a confidential manner. Because many accommodations require early planning, requests for accommodations should be made as early as possible.


Course Schedule and Activities


Session One: January 24, 2006

Course Overview and Community Building

American Educator Fall 2003, Education for Democracy

Copies will be provided. Please read in class and discuss.


Reflections 1


Session Two: January 31, 2006


American Educator….Why Study History? …copies will be and discuss in class.

Kohli, W. (2000). Teaching in the danger Zone: Democracy and difference. In D. W. Hursh & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Democratic social education: Social Studies for social change (pp.23-42). New York & London : Falmer Press.


Video: The Eye of the Storm


Toxic Sludge: Introduction pgs. 1-4


Reflections 2


Session Three: February 7, 2006

American Educator…Lost at Sea

American Educator ..Pursuit of Civic Core

Stanley, W.B. (2000). Curriculum and the social order. In D.W. Hursh & E.W. Ross (eds.), Democratic social education: Social studies for social change (pp.65-72). New York & London : Falmer Press.


Noffke, S.E. (2000). Identity, community, and democracy in the “new social order.” In D.W. Hursh & E. W. Ross (Eds.), Democratic social education: Social studies for social change (pp.73-83). New York & London : Falmer Press.


Toxic Sludge: Chapter 1


Session Four: February 14, 2006

Responsive and Thoughtful Classroom

Teaching Children to Care: Chapter 1, pp.1-18

Teaching Children to Care: Problem-Solving Class Meetings: Chapter 5, pp.75-92


Reflections 3


Session Five: February 21, 2006, ONLINE

No formal class held in Van Hoesen. Discuss, analyze, and reflect on the teacher standards and on student standards via e-mail among your group members.


Session Six: February 28, 2006 The Small Group Project Due Today.

(All Read) Language Police, Chapter 1, “ Forbidden Topics, Forbidden Words ”, pp. 2-18.


(Half of the class reads) Language Police, Chapter 5, “Censorship from the Right”, pp. 62-78

(Half of the class reads) Language Police, Chapter 6, “Censorship from the Left”, pp. 79-96.


Whose History? The Struggle for National Standards in American Classrooms, Chapter 6, pp.127-156.


New York State Grade 5 Social Studies Tests at


Reflections 4


Session Seven: March 7, 2006

Each group submits a group analysis and reflection paper to by March 7.


Harry Wong First Days of School:


Random Acts of Kindness at


Practice final project lesson plan…focus on interdisciplinary


March 14, 2006, No Classes scheduled - College Break


Session Eight: March 21, 2006

Meet at the Cortland Historical Society @ 4:30pm, 25 Homer Avenue , Cortland , NY .

Phone of Cortland County Historical Society: (607) 756-6071

Practice final project…focus on local historical documents and artifacts


Session Nine: March 28, 2006

Selected chapters from Kozol , Amazing Grace, Kozol , Ordinary Resurrections, and Kozol, Savage Inequalities.


Session Ten: April 04, 2006

Shared chapter readings from “You Can't Say You Can't Play”



Reflections 5


April 11, 2006, No Classes. I'll be at AERA Conference in San Francisco , CA .


Session Eleven: April 18, 2006

Lewis, Catherine C. and I. Tsuchida. "A Lesson is Like a Swiftly Flowing River: Research Lessons and the Improvement of Japanese Education." American Educator, Winter, 1998. 14-17 & 50-52.


James Hiebert, Ronald Gallimore, and James W. Stigler. “Opening Classroom Doors: Heroes for the good of the profession.” American Educator, Spring 2004, Retrieved on Jan. 11, 2004 at


Session Twelve: April 25, 2005, Go to your local historical society on your own

Gather information from your local historical society for your final lesson plan.

Compare your local facility with the Cortland Historical Society you became acquainted with on March 21, 2006.

Practice lesson…focus on Tolerance/Acceptance lesson


Session Thirteen: May 2, 2006, Written Lesson Plan DUE

Presentations/Sharing of Lesson Plans

One hard copy submitted to me. If you want it back, please let me know so that we can arrange a time for you to pick it up. One electronic copy will be submitted to me. Unit or Lesson Plan must also be on computer so that you can email it to class members who request you share your work with them.


Lesson Plan Presentations start.


Session Fourteen: May 9, 2005,

Lesson Plan Presentations continue.


Session Fifteen: May 16, 2005, REWORK/REVISION ONLY Those students who wish to upgrade unit/lesson plan value may resubmit revised unit/lesson plan. Those students satisfied with grade need not attend.


Academic Integrity:

The College is an academic community that values academic integrity and takes seriously its responsibility for upholding academic honesty. All members of the academic community have an obligation to uphold high intellectual and ethical standards. For more information on academic integrity and academic dishonesty, please refer to the College Handbook, the College Catalog and the Code of Student Conduct and Related Policies or ask your instructor.


Selected References:

D.W. Hursh & E.W. Ross (Eds.), Democratic social education: Social Studies for social change (pp. 85-96). New York & London : Falmer Press.


Counts, G.S. (1978). Dare the school build a new social order? Carbondale , IL : Southern Illinois University Press.


Friere, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York : Continuum.


Giroux, H.A. (1994). Disturbing pleasures: Learning popular culture. New York : Routledge.


*This syllabus is tentative and may be modified at the discretion of the instructor and at the reasonable requests of the students.