Your Oyster

Student Poetry Chapbooks

"The only end of writng is to enable the readers better to enjoy life or better to endure it." -Samuel Johnson


































I have compiled and edited several chapbooks of poetry by students in my writing courses. I'm delighted to share some of their poems with you.


Burger of a Whale
poems by students at Barehill Correctional Facility

North Country Community College

Click here to read
selected poems

Words That Move
Memory Around

poems by students at
Ticonderoga Campus

North Country Community College

Click here to read
selected poems


Over Hills of the Self
poems by students at
Franklin Correctional Facility

North Country Community College

Click here to read
selected poems

 The Crying Bell
In response to the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City
Spring, 1995

poems by students in
Franklin Correctional Facility
North Country Community College

Click here to read
selected poems

 While Betty Sat Alone
A selection of student poetry

PWR 213 Poetry Writing
SUNY Cortland, Fall 2003
Click here to read
selected poems































The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the author.
The contents of this linked page have not been reviewed or approved by SUNY Cortland.