Your Oyster


"The only end of writng is to enable the readers better to enjoy life or better to endure it." -Samuel Johnson



































Since the late 50s, I've enjoyed working in a variety of positions including:

Gypsy moth and chafer beetle field census worker for USDA (summers)
Soft ice cream stand employee
Boathouse painter and lumber railcar offloader (same boss)
Food service worker
Hotel staff worker
Yard worker and cull machine assistant, shade roller factory
Field collections rat for a regional bank
Tally man with timber cruising crew
TV and electronics retail salesperson
Advertising copywriter
Park maintenance worker
Franchise foods customer service director
Lumberyard counter sales
Regional advertising and marketing director
Regional customer service and catering director
Franchisee relations field rep
Fast food store management
Space advertising salesperson
Municipal fixed assets crew foreman (CETA)
CETA counselor and services coordinator
On-the-Job training (OJT) coordinator
Economic development specialist
Arts Council co-director for three counties
Industrial marketing communications manager for two companies
Marketing communications consultant
And, of course, teaching.

I've lived in many small communities and rural areas in Upstate New York and Vermont,
Ithaca, Horseheads, Addison, Alfred, Hornell (2 places), Trumansburg (2),
Marcellus, Chenango Bridge, Ogdensburg (4), Morristown (2), Potsdam, Lisbon,
Pierrepont, Richville, Champion Hill, Plattsburgh, Lowville, Watertown, Poultney (VT),
Cortlandville, Homer (Spafford), Marathon, Jay

Hobbies and Interests
Backwater canoeing
Herb gardening
Hiking (Adirondack 46er)

Best, Worst, Strangest

Best car: '
65 Mustang, mint
Worst car:
it's a tossup: Plymouth Horizon or Mercury Marquis

Best job: Flying around the country troubleshooting store sales problems for Kentucky Roast Beef
Worst job: vacuuming hotel carpets and cleaning out grease traps

Best Job Offers I Never Accepted:
IBM sales in NYC;
advertising/marketing manager for all Manhattan McDonald stores

Worst Job Offer:
Cigarette merchandiser for Philip Morris

A sad number:
deer I've hit while driving: 6

A happy number: Frank Zappa albums I have:
over 50

Coldest weather I've been in:
- 52 degrees (West Pierrepont, NY 1980?)

A Concern:
Now that the manufacturer went belly-up, what on earth will Zippy do
without his favorite food, Twinkies? ("See your dentist after every bite")

Another Concern:
"Either we'll succeed, or we won't succeed. And the definition of success as I
described is sectarian violence down. Success is not no violence."
--George W. Bush, on Iraq, Washington, D.C., May 2, 2007

(how sad )































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