Dr. Kimberly Rombach's Courses
State University of New York College at Cortland
Childhood/Early Childhood


EDU 375: Teaching Elementary Social Studies

Community and Diversity Analysis Paper
Assignment description and corresponding grading rubric:

Community and Diversity Analysis Paper

You are asked to write a 4-6 page Community and Diversity Analysis of your classroom observations. This paper has two components that are outlined in the following description. 

For the first section of your paper you are to write about the ways in which your host classroom feels like a community (or doesn't). Based on our discussions about building a community requiring (1) opportunities to show oneself fully; (2) opportunities to know others well; and (3) opportunities for students to work and help each other - how does your host classroom community measure up? Some of the statements listed below might help you think about this assignment. Your answer to this first part should be about 2 -3 typed pages. Be specific about what you've seen and heard in your classroom. Write specifically about the relationship between the ways in which the teacher's decisions and interactions impacted on the sense of community.

An incomplete response: "The classroom felt really friendly and the kids really like each other"

A better response: "The children were kind to each other and I saw many incidents of students helping one another. For example, when Tashina was having trouble with her school work, I saw Roland lean over and offer to help her."

The most complete response: "The children were kind to each other and helped each other a lot. For example, when Tashina was having trouble with her school work, I saw Roland lean over and offer to help her." My host teacher has placed the students' desks close together and actively encourages students to help and support one another. My host teacher says comments such as, "Remember, class, help your neighbor if he or she is having trouble."

For the second section of your paper, you are to write an analysis of how diversity is responded to in the classroom. Based on our discussions about diversity describe the kinds of diversity that exists in your host classroom: racial, ethnic, gender, size, skill, religious, language, etc. Even if you are in an all-white classroom, look at the range of differences that the children present. Don't write, "There was no diversity in my classroom" because there are no children identical to each other. Look everywhere - at the books on the shelf, at materials, at posters, at the curriculum. Listen to conversations and pay attention to what is happening around you and what is not happening around you. Describe how your host teacher responds to the diversity in the classroom. How are the racial differences addressed? Economic differences? Gender differences? Does your host teacher seem to have a "stance" related to teaching about differences? What is it? How do your students treat each other relative to differences? Do difficult issues such as prejudice and stereotyping get addressed? Your answer to this second part should be about 2-3 typed pages. Again, be very specific regarding what you have seen and heard in your classroom. 

Community and Diversity Paper Grading Rubric

Classroom Community:

There was no description of the classroom community                    0
The classroom community was described briefly                              1
The classroom community was described with an example or two 2
The classroom community was described with multiple examples 3

Classroom Diversity:

There was no description of the diversity of the classroom              0
One kind of diversity was described in the classroom
(race, class, gender, ability, language, etc.)                                       1
Two kinds of diversity were described in the classroom                  2
At least three kinds of diversity were described                                3

Teacher's Role:

No discussions of the teacher's role on community                           0
The teacher's role was discussed relative to community                  1
The teacher's role was discussed AND analyzed relative
to community                                                                                          2

No discussions of the teacher's role regarding 
diversity                                                                                                  0
The teacher's role was discussed relative to 
diversity                                                                                                  1
The teacher's role was discussed AND analyzed 
relative to diversity                                                                                2

Additional Diversity Information:

Diversity was discussed related to curricular
materials                                                                                                2
Diversity was discussed related to pedagogy                                   2
Diversity was discussed related to overall 
classroom climate                                                                                 1

Total number of points (15 points possible): ___________