Name __Write______
Date __________
Title of the Lesson:
Create a descriptive title for your lesson.
New York State Learning Standard(s):
Use as a resource for this if needed.
Be sure to choose the SS standard(s), the key idea(s) and the performance
and write out each completely.
Desired Student Outcome(s):
List desired student outcomes here by starting with, "The students will be able to..."
Remember to explain whether you will introduce, practice or review content and skills.
Lesson Rationale:
Write a short explanation of why you've chosen to focus on the concepts/skills that
you've determined for this lesson.
Prior Knowledge Needed:
Write to tell any knowledge and/or experiences that students may need prior to
beginning this lesson.
Resources and materials needed:
Make a detailed list of all materials that you and your students need for your lesson.
Please be sure to include how many of each item you'll need. Attach copies of all
worksheets and student handouts you create and use and be sure to note that here.
Please also attach copies covers of texts, books, and other materials that you've
chosen as resources for planning this lesson.
Lesson Timeline:
Motivational Introduction (1-2 minutes):
Write to tell how you will introduce your lesson to your students in a motivational
way (learning hook).
Detailed sequence of learning experiences (40 minutes):
Write a detailed timeline of all learning experiences that your students will have.
Use care when considering time allotments for students' tasks and learning
experiences. Be sure to include a detailed description of your plans when
outlining this sequence of events.
Closure (1-5 minutes):
Write to tell how you will review the important ideas you've taught to close the lesson.
Assessment(s) used:
Write to tell what assessments and/or procedures you used for gathering information
regarding students' knowledge gains here. Remember to use both informal and/or
formal assessments for each lesson you teach. Be SURE that you're assessing a
skill or concept that you've listed as a desired student outcome(s) at the top of this
lesson plan.
"If Time" activity:
Provide an additional activity that corresponds with the desired student outcomes
that can be completed if you have extra time.
Extension/practice beyond lesson:
Write to explain what experiences you will encourage students to complete following
the lesson while they are not with you. If you created a take-home activity, please
attach a copy of it. Please be sure to attach a copy of anything you've planned on
sending home with students.
Following your lesson, write to
explain what went well in your lesson and what you would
change if
you were to teach this lesson again.