Dr. Kimberly Rombach's Courses
State University of New York College at Cortland
 Childhood/Early Childhood


EDU 510: Inquiry into Teaching, Technology and Research


State University of New York College at Cortland
School of Education
Childhood/Early Childhood Department
Education 510: Inquiry into Teaching, Technology and Research
Course Syllabus

Course Information:
Course: EDU 510
Section: 601
CRN: 22162
Semester/year: Spring 2007
Credit Hours: 3
Class: Mondays 4:20 - 6:50
Location: Van Hoesen, Room B 223
Professor Information:
Dr. Kimberly Rombach
Office: Van Hoesen B 219 #1
Office Phone: 753-5687
Office Hours: Tu; Th 12:00 - 1:00 and Tuesdays 2:30 - 4:30 and by appointment
Email: rombachk@cortland.edu
Website: http://web.cortland.edu/rombachk
Required Materials:

Byrnes, D., Kiger, G. (eds.). (1996). Common Bonds: Anti-bias Teaching in a Diverse Society.(2nd ed.). Olney, MD: Association for Childhood Education International. 

Sapon-Shevin, M. (1999). Because We Can Change the World: A Practical Guide to Building Cooperative, Inclusive Classroom Communities. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Allyn and Bacon.

Suter, W. N. (1997). Primer of Educational Research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

TaskStream Account: http://www.taskstream.com  Discussed in class.


Course Description: This course will introduce students to the field of teaching, which will include and exploration of teachers' practices, the structure of schools, student diversity, current initiatives in education in NYS, and other general areas related to education. The course will also examine issues in using technology. Finally, students will learn how to be consumers and creators of research as preparation of the research they will be reading and/or conducting in future semesters.

Course Attendance Policy: **Mandatory** Your presence and participation are crucial in a course that emphasizes interaction and the experiential. Penalties are given for unexcused and/or chronic absences (see handbook, pg. 56).

Course goals/objectives: This is the introductory course to the Masters of Science in Teaching (MST) program. The course will be a general exploration of three main topics: introduction to teaching, technology, and teachers as researchers. Embedded in these topics are the themes of philosophy, multiculturalism, special needs/inclusion, integration of topics, and assessment. These themes will run throughout all courses in the program. This course is designed to help students begin to think broadly about teaching; to consider how they, as teachers, will go about meeting the needs of diverse groups of students, and how becoming consumers and producers of research themselves can inform their own practice.

Student evaluation is based on the following components of SUNY Cortland's Conceptual Framework (CF):
Inquiry Journal (CF #2 - Professional Commitments)
Philosophy of Teaching Statement (CF #2 - Professional Commitments)
Electronic Portfolio (CF #6 - Technology)
Team-teaching Diversity lesson (CF #1 - Knowledge Base, CF #2 - Professional Commitments, CF #4 - Diversity, CF#6 - Technology)
Small-scale Literature Review (CF #1 - Knowledge Base, CF #2 - Professional Commitments, CF #3 - Standards)

Evaluation of Student Performance: Based on mandatory attendance (10 points), inquiry journal (20 points), emerging philosophy of teaching (10 points), electronic portfolio (30 points), diversity teaching assignment (10 points) and Small-scale literature review (20 points) . 

SUNY Cortland Conceptual Framework: 
Teacher Education: All teacher education candidates at SUNY Cortland will possess the following:

1. Knowledge Base
· Understand how students learn and develop
· Manage classrooms for a safe learning environment
· Know and apply various disciplinary models

2. Professional Commitments
· Promote parental involvement
· Continue to develop as reflective practitioners and lifelong learners

3. Standards
· Integrate curriculum among disciplines
· Balance historical and contemporary research, theory and practice

4. Diversity
· Learn and develop a variety of teaching strategies
· Apply a variety of teaching strategies to help all students learn

5. Assessment
· Use of multiple and authentic forms of assessment

6. Technology
· Integrate technology into classroom instruction

Learning Outcomes/Expectations of SUNY Cortland Teacher Candidates:

Candidates will:
1. Demonstrate a solid foundation in the arts and sciences.
2. Possess in-depth knowledge of the subject area to be taught.
3. Demonstrate good moral character.
4. Understand how students learn and develop.
5. Manage classrooms structured in a variety of ways to promote a safe learning  environment.
6. Know and apply various disciplinary models to manage student behavior.
7. Apply a variety of teaching strategies to develop a positive teaching-learning environment where all students are encouraged to achieve their highest potential.
8. Integrate curriculum among disciplines and balance historical and contemporary research, theory and practice.
9. Use multiple and authentic forms of assessment to analyze teaching and student learning and to plan curriculum and instruction to meet the needs of individual students. 
10. Promote parental involvement and collaborate effectively with other staff, the community, higher education, other agencies and cultural institutions as well as parents and other caregivers, for the benefit of students.
11. Demonstrate sufficient technology skills and the ability to integrate technology into classroom teaching/learning.
12. Foster respect for individual's abilities and disabilities and an understanding and appreciation of variations of ethnicity, culture, language, gender, age, class and sexual orientation.
13. Continue to develop professional as reflective practitioners who are committed to an on-going scholarly inquiry.

Standards Goal: ACEI standard 3 and 5a and 5b met by EDU 510
This course is introductory in terms of pedagogy. In terms of the conceptual framework, the content relates to diversity, technology, professionalism and professional commitments. 

Academic Integrity Statement:
The college is an academic community which values academic integrity and takes seriously its responsibility for upholding academic honesty. All members of the academic community have an obligation to uphold high intellectual and ethical standards. For more information on academic integrity and academic dishonesty, please refer to the College Handbook, the College Catalog and the Code of Student Conduct and Related Policies or ask your instructor.

Students with Disabilities:
If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accommodations, please contact the Office of Student Disability Services located in B-40 Van Hoesen Hall or call (607) 753-2066 for an appointment. Information regarding your disability will be treated in a confidential manner. Because many accommodations require early planning, requests for accommodations should be made as early as possible.

Dispositions: This course follows the Childhood/Early Childhood Department procedures for continuous positive growth toward strong teaching skills and dispositions as reflected in the Assessment of Candidate’s Professional Dispositions. It is the policy of the Department that positive teaching dispositions are a basic requirement. In the event of problematic demonstration of teaching disposition, incidents will be documented and the departmental and Teacher Education Council Fair Practice Policy and Procedures for action will be followed.

Grading: Grading will be based on participation and assignments. Numerical grade equivalents are as follows (A+ is reserved for flawless work of exceptional quality reflecting original insight, creativity and perfect attendance.):

A                     (95-100)                                                          C                     (73-76)

            A-                    (90-94)                                                            C-                    (70-72)

            B+                   (87-89)                                                            D+                   (67-69)

            B                      (83-86)                                                            D                     (63-66)

            B-                    (80-82)                                                            D-                    (60-62)

            C+                   (77-79)                                                            E                      (59 - 0)


Learning Activities and Assignments:
The following are requirements of this course. You will be asked to evaluate yourself on each of these throughout the duration of this course.

1. Class Participation
· Demonstrate your thorough understandings of the assigned readings.
· Contribute regularly in class - not dominating discussions or having to be prompted to contribute during class discussions.
· Listen attentively.
· Attend every class, on time and prepared. 

2. Reading Assignments
· There is extensive reading for this course. You are expected to come to class having already read the assigned material. Occasionally, there will be in-class assignments related to your reading, as well as in class group assignments.

3. Written Assignments
· Five entries in an inquiry journal
· One philosophy of teaching statement
· One small-scale literature review

4. Teaching Assignments
· One peer-teaching lesson (self-evaluation only)
  One team-teaching lesson on diversity

5. Presentation Assignments
· One web-based electronic portfolio presentation (during finals week)

Course Assessment and Evaluation:

Evaluation should be designed to (1) promote your own growth and learning; (2) give you on-going feedback; (3) strengthen the working relationship between the teacher and the student.

Detailed descriptions of all assignments and corresponding grading rubrics will be handed out in class. Please follow the rubric and assignment explanations carefully to avoid misunderstandings.

The Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department uses TaskStream as its data management tool for performance-based assessment for New York State Department of Education, NCATE (ACEI), and other reports.  Candidates are required to subscribe to TaskStream, and to upload certain tasks into a Directed Response Folio for each of their courses in the C/EC program. More information regarding this assessment requirement will be provided in class.

Assessment and evaluation of this course will be based on a 100-point system and is outlined as follows:

In class participation (including peer teaching and home group activities) 10 points
Inquiry journal including five entries @ 4 points each  20 points
Philosophy of teaching statement  10 points
Team-teaching diversity lesson  10 points
Small-scale literature review  20 points
Electronic portfolio (web-based)  30 points

Rewrite and Re-do policy:

inquiry journal entries will not be accepted late, nor can they be redone.

If you receive less than full credit on your philosophy of teaching statement, you can set up a time to meet individually with me to discuss any missing components. Revisions can be made and you can resubmit your revised lesson plan for full credit. This is to ensure that you can apply what you've read and learned in class to your own statement.

Your portfolio will be reviewed and assessed at various times throughout the semester. Your final electronic portfolio will be presented in class. It will not be accepted late.

The team-teaching diversity lesson will not be accepted late, nor can it be redone.

The small-scale literature review will not be accepted late, nor can it be redone.