Dr. Kimberly Rombach's Courses
State University of New York College at Cortland
Childhood/Early Childhood
Spring 2006


EDU 647: Social Education in the Digital Age

Assignment: Technology Autobiography
Assignment description and corresponding grading rubric:

Technology Autobiography

A technology autobiography is a narrative that tells the story about the technological aspects of your life. These aspects contain specific information regarding your technology education, use and habits.

The goal of the Technology Autobiography assignment is to give you an opportunity to reflect on your technology education, use and habits. It is to elicit your prior relationship to and knowledge of technology. In addition, this assignment is to inform me of the background knowledge and experience that you bring to our class. 

Assignment description: You are asked to write a two- to three- page double spaced (12 point font) narrative that describes your significant life's experiences with technology. You may write this paper in an organizational format that works best for your writing style; however, it may be useful to know that students often organize a technology autobiography chronologically. This paper should clearly communicate your life's story about your technology knowledge, experience and use today.

When you write your technology autobiography, it is fine to write it in first person (using "I") and it is important that you include specific details throughout.

Please note: For this assignment, please establish a working definition of the term technology, as you understand it from your own perspective. 

The following questions may help you as you think about, plan and complete this assignment:

1. What are your earliest experiences of using technology?
2. What do you recall about your earliest experiences using technology?
3. How did your experiences and knowledge about technology change over time as you've aged?
4. Who has been/is influential to your technological knowledge throughout your life?
5. What problems and/or celebrations have you experienced throughout your life regarding technology?
6. What forms of technology were found in your home while growing up?
7. What forms of technology are found in your home today?
8. What forms of technology were found in your school while growing up?
9. If you work in a school now, what are the forms of technology that are found in your school today?
10. What knowledge, experience, and/or "gadgets" are on your technology wish list?

Technology Autobiography Grading Rubric







Experiences with technology

Your significant experiences with technology are noticeably documented with supporting details and specific examples from your own life. 
(2 points)

Your significant experiences with technology are noticeably documented with supporting details from your own life.
(1 points)

Some experiences with technology are documented.  
(0 point)

Knowledge about technology

Your knowledge acquisition about technology is noticeably documented with supporting details and specific examples from your own life. 
(2 points)

Your knowledge acquisition about technology is noticeably documented with supporting details from your own life.     
(1 point)

Your knowledge acquisition about technology is documented.
(0 point)

Current use of technology

Your current use of technology is noticeably documented with supporting details and specific examples from your own life.               
(2 points)

Your current use of technology is noticeably documented with supporting details from your own life.    
(1 point)

Your current use of technology is noticeably documented.
(0 point)


Cogent, concise description

Your technology autobiography is cogent and concise, with particular care given to word use.  (2 points)

Your technology autobiography is concise.
(1 point)

Your technology autobiography includes repetitive language.         
(0 point)

Grammar and spelling


Your technology autobiography is free from grammar and spelling errors.      
(2 points)

Your technology autobiography includes one spelling error.        
(1 point)

Your technology autobiography includes grammar and spelling errors that are distracting to the reader. (0 point)