Dr. Kimberly Rombach's Courses
State University of New York College at Cortland
Childhood/Early Childhood
Spring 2006


EDU 647: Social Education in the Digital Age

Notes for the week of March 22, 2006

Here are the notes from this past week in class:

We spent some time discussing Web Logs: A Web Log is commonly referred to as a blog. (web log). Blogs are personal journals published on the web.. Blogs are often updated frequently and are shared with others on the web by an individual who does the posting - called the blogger.

"Blogging" is now a very popular publishing method on the web because it does not require any software or technological knowledge.

Edublogs are an emerging technology in education. Edublogs are spaces on the web where you can post and publish information that you'd like others to read and/or respond to. In class, we visited the Educational Bolggers' Network to try to determine some of the educational benefits of using blogs with other teachers and/or students. Their website address is:  http://www.ebn.weblogger.com/ I think that you would find value in spending additional time viewing this site on your own.

Blogs are unlike traditional websites in that they provide instant type-and-click publishing that can be done anytime, anywhere and from any browser. That's quite some flexibility!

In class, we visited the following websites to learn more about blogs, educational blogs and their associated limitations and benefits. Please use the following links to review information from this week's class:

Websites to visit about Educational Blogs and Wikis










Students also spent some time working on their class portfolios independently as I worked with students one-on-one as needed. Please remember, if you need support with your upcoming assignment, please call or email me so I can help you.

That's all for this week. Keep reading, keep learning and keep coming to class! ~Kim