Dr. Kimberly Rombach's Courses
State University of New York College at Cortland
Childhood/Early Childhood
Spring 2006


EDU 647: Social Education in the Digital Age

Notes for the week of March 8, 2006

Here are the notes from this past week in class:

We began our class conversation by discussing why and how to use Virtual Field Trips (VFTs) in the Social Studies Classroom. The following information is important to know:

The primary reason to make a virtual field trip is to have students experience a field-trip like experience without actually leaving the classroom. Virtual field trips can be designed to provide students with new information, assist students to develop a cultural awareness of other communities, allow students to visit far away places of the world and to give students an opportunity to travel back in time.

In class, students accessed two online articles and read them independently before discussing whole group. Click on the titles below to access the articles:
Get Outta Class with Virtual Field Trips
Take a Museum Field Trip - Without Leaving Your Classroom

When using virtual field trips, we as teachers serve as the tour guide. That means that students are not left randomly going through their virtual trip; rather, they are guided along the way.

Students are often asked to write notes, answer questions and/or complete projects based on what they have learned. This is to apply what they have experienced through the VFT to their own learning.

In class, I provided many different examples of Virtual Field Trips that can be used in the Social Studies classroom. Some VFTs were made using PowerPoint and still camera photos while others were made using 360 degree panorama technology. Click here to view the list of VFTs that were explored in class.

In class, we also reviewed the Virtual Field Trip assignment. This assignment is located on this website for your reference. As an excellent example of this assignment, please click here.

In class, we spent some time thinking about technology when creating a website. Students came to class with an outline (pictorial representation) of their  website. We then spent some time reviewing the course-folio assignment. For the assignment, students may want to consider adding the following information to their site:

1. Introduction paragraph/letter
2. Philosophy of Teaching statement
3. Background Information
4. Understandings of teaching social studies
5. Children's Social Studies Website Review
6. Virtual Field Trip
7. Internet Resource Guide
8. Community Service
9. Future Goals
10. Contact Information

In class, we spent some time using Netscape Composer to begin creating web-folios. It's important that you practice using Composer prior to our next class on Wednesday, March 22. For your reference, you may want to view a helpful Netscape Tutorial found online. If so, click here to access it.

That's all for this week. Keep reading, keep learning and keep coming to class! ~Kim