Dr. Kimberly Rombach's Courses
State University of New York College at Cortland
Childhood/Early Childhood


EDU 657: Elementary School Practicum and Research Seminar

Cooperative Team-Teaching Assignment

Assignment description and corresponding grading rubric:

For this assignment, you will work with a small group of students and will cooperate to plan and team-teach a 15-20 minute lesson on current issues in education to the rest of your classmates. This assignment is designed to apply your knowledge of our course content and relate it to relevant topics on education reflected in the media today. This assignment is also intended to apply your understandings of technology and use it as a teaching tool. Your lesson will (1) highlight the most important argument(s) from the assigned reading; (2) identify and provide related articles, news clippings or other forms of media to highlight multiple perspectives on your topic; (3) identify who benefits and who doesn’t as well as how each group benefits (or doesn’t) from each perspective that is highlighted; and (4) utilize a teaching strategy that requires your classmates (students) to interact in a meaningful way. 

Steps to complete the Cooperative Team-Teaching Assignment:

1. Your group will be assigned one of the following chapters from What Does it Mean to Be Well Educated? And More Essays on Standards, Grading, and Other Follies by Alfie Kohn:

Chapter 2: Turning Learning into a Business
Chapter 6: Standardized Testing and its Victims
Chapter 9: From Degrading to De-Grading
Chapter 13: September 11
Chapter 15: Almost There But Not Quite

2. You and your group members will be assigned to the following different tasks:

a. Identify, list and describe the main argument(s) from the reading. (knowledge)
Name of group member: ____________________________

b. Apply the information from group member's task "a" to locate and provide related articles, news clippings or other forms of media to highlight multiple perspectives on your topic. (application)
Name of group member: _____________________________

c. Combine the information from group members' tasks "a" and "b" to identify and describe who benefits and who doesn’t as well as how each group benefits (or doesn’t) from each perspective that is highlighted: (synthesis)
Name of group member: ____________________________

d. Summarize the information from group members' tasks "a", "b" and "c" to review what you've learned from your chapter AND corresponding outside resources AND convincingly state what your group believes to be most important to know about your topic, student learning and teaching. (evaluation)
Name of group member: ____________________________

3. You and your group members will work together to compile all information from the above individual tasks and create a PowerPoint presentation to use as you teach your lesson. 

Create a PowerPoint slideshow using the following list:

Provide a title page including a title of your lesson and your names.

Provide a brief explanation of the argument(s) you'll be discussing.

Provide a slide(s) of information from group member of task "a".

Provide a slide(s) of information from group member of task "b".

Provide a slide(s) of information from group member of task "c".

Provide a slide(s) of information from group member of task "d".

Provide a slide to generate student interaction.

Provide a slide to encourage student questions.

4. You and your group members will meet to plan for teaching your lesson to our class. Please be sure to keep your lesson to about 15 minutes in length. Be sure that each group member discusses his/her own topics and that no one is dominating or excluded from teaching. 

5. When planning to teach your lesson, choose a teaching strategy to use that will facilitate students' interaction with peers. Be sure to determine who will facilitate this interaction prior to teaching.

6. Plan to meet and practice your lesson prior to teaching in class. This will help you to determine how to connect one idea to another and to time out your teaching. In addition, be sure to bring copies of the news/media article(s) you’ll present in class; one copy will need to be handed in.

7. On the day of your lesson, you will need to bring the following to class: (1) a disk with your PowerPoint presentation; (2) any supplies that you will need for the teaching strategy you're implementing; (3) copies of the current news/media
article(s) that you will present in class and (4) a printed copy of your PowerPoint presentation (6 slides per page) that you will hand in. 

Note: The Cooperative Team-teaching Assignment is to provide you with an experience of working in a cooperative group and to apply what you've learned in class and through your readings to teach a group of students. As such, all group members will be earn one grade that each of you will assume as your own. Therefore, while you each have your own responsibilities for the outcome of this project, each of your group members will be accountable for the outcome of the project in its entirety; be sure to review each component prior to completion and submission.

Team-Teaching Diversity Lesson Grading Rubric
The following rubric will be used to grade your team-teaching lesson:






You thoroughly identified and described the argument(s) from the reading. 
(3 points)

You identified the argument(s) from the reading. 
(2-1 point)

You identified argument(s) that were not relevant to the reading.  
(0 point)

You located and provided related articles, news clippings and/or other forms of media that well portrayed multiple perspectives on your topic.
(3 points)

You located and provided related articles, news clippings and/or other forms of media that highlighted multiple perspectives on your topic. (2-1 point)

You located and provided loosely related articles, news clippings and/or other forms of media that did not highlight multiple perspectives on your topic.  (0 point)

You thoroughly identified and described who benefits and who doesn’t as well as how each group benefits (or doesn’t) from each perspective that was highlighted.
 (3 points)

 You identified and described who benefits and who doesn’t as well as how each group benefits (or doesn’t) from each perspective that was highlighted.
 (2-1 point)

You minimally identified and described who benefits and who doesn’t as well as how each group benefits (or doesn’t) from each perspective that was highlighted. 
(0 point)

You thoroughly reviewed what you've learned from the chapter AND corresponding outside resources AND convincingly stated what your group believes to be most important to know about your topic, student learning and teaching.
(3 points)

You reviewed what you've learned from the chapter AND corresponding outside resources AND convincingly stated what your group believes to be most important to know about your topic, student learning and teaching. (2-1 point)

You minimally reviewed what you've learned from the chapter AND corresponding outside resources AND convincingly stated what your group believes to be most important to know about your topic, student learning and teaching.  
(0 point)

Technological Component

You integrated technology into the classroom so that it enhanced your instruction. You had no technological errors that distracted learners from instruction.
(2 point)

You integrated technology into the classroom so that it enhanced your instruction. If you had a technological error, it was minimal and not overly distracting.
(1 point)

You attempted to integrate technology into the classroom but had technological errors that could have been avoided with better planning.
(0 point)

Teaching Strategy

You utilized a teaching strategy that actively engaged all learners in your lesson.
(1 point)

You utilized a teaching strategy that engaged all learners in your lesson.
(1 point)

You utilized a teaching strategy that engaged some learners in your lesson.
(0 point)

Comments:                                                                                    Total Points: _____/15