Building Community at Camp Huntington in Raquette Lake, New York

During each semester, I work with other colleagues to have our undergraduate methods block go on a class trip to SUNY Cortland's Outdoor Education Facility at Camp Huntington in Raquette Lake, NY. The slideshow below shows students participating in small and large group activities to learn about integrated curricula content while simultaneously building a caring classroom community. I've learned that one of the most meaningful experiences that students can have is to participate in a shared experience. This trip serves such a purpose. Although initially tentative to the adventure, once students spend one day at Camp Huntington, they often enthusiastically explain how beneficial the trip is to forming friendships and strengthening bonds between classmates. Through ongoing dialogue, I believe that I contributed to our Childhood/Early Childhood Education Department's decision to have all preservice teachers have the shared experience of going to Raquette Lake each semester.