: : : Welcome to my portfolio : : :
                                  : : : Advisement Section : : :

: : Professional Portfolio : :


: : home : : : : vita : : : : contact : : : : web entry : :  

I currently advise around 75 graduate students who are in our MST Childhood Education Program. Throughout the 5 1/2 years that I have been at Cortland, I have thoroughly enjoyed being an advisor. Throughout this time, I have found that my role as an advisor takes a considerable amount of time because I believe that it is important for my advisees to be able to use me as a guide throughout their teacher preparation program. Therefore, I understand my role as much more than a faculty member who helps students to select and register for appropriate coursework. I believe that it is important that I learn who they are as individuals and although this takes time, I believe it is worthwhile. My advisees often stop by my office to say hi, share stories about their lives and update me on their academic progress. I consider all conversations worthwhile because in my role as an advisor, I can help students feel a personal connection to SUNY Cortland and to the professional world of education as they emerge as future teachers. As an advisor, I have helped students begin their teacher preparation program at Cortland, receive local scholarships, obtain graduate assistantships, and secure teaching positions. My goal is to widen my sphere of influence so I can support my students in ways that truly make a difference in their lives.

I always look forward to working with my advisees and am eager to academically support them throughout their preservice teacher preparation program.

  Successful teachers
Are surpassed by their students. -Anonymous