Application for Summer/Winter Session Online Course Development Grant



Please complete the following and return it to the Office of Information Resources (, Miller 206 by February 9th.  Recipients will be notified by February 26th.



Name  Kimberly A. Rombach            Phone  753-5687


Department  Childood/Early Childhood            E-mail



What course are you proposing to adapt to an on-line format?

EDU 647: Social Education in the Digital Age


Why have you selected this course?

            The course is a requirement for students in the MSED program who have a concentration in Social Studies. I have selected this course to offer online because I have taught it before and the core content of the course, social studies resources on the internet, corresponds well with an online course. I have also spoken to the MSED Program coordinator and she thought that it would be useful to the students if the course was provided in an online format.


Does this course fulfill  ___major requirements     ______GE requirements   __X___other.

Please describe.

            This course fulfills a MSED social studies concentration requirement.


When do you plan to teach this course?  

Winter Session 2008



Have you previously taught this course during summer or winter session?

No, only in the Spring 2006 semester.


How is the course appropriate to a student learner at a distance?

The course assignments can easily be adaptable to online submissions and students could access and participate in the course easily, from any location and at his or her leisure. The following is an excerpt from my syllabus that provides the course description:


This course is designed to prepare graduate students in the social specialization strand to become "wise connoisseurs" of social studies resources on the Internet. This course will also explore practical theory and research concerning teaching and learning social studies on the Internet while providing multiple experiences to use communication technology. Students will create an Internet resource guide for use in the social studies classroom.


The above indicates that discussion and opinion and assignments could take place in a comfortable setting of students’ choice and at an appropriate time. Below is a description of assignments with many already designed to rely heavily upon Internet use.


Learning Activities and Assignments:
The following are requirements of the EDU 514 course. You will be asked to evaluate yourself on each of these throughout the duration of this course:

1. Class Participation
· Demonstrate your thorough understandings of the assigned readings.
· Contribute regularly in class - not dominating discussions or having to be prompted to contribute.
· Listen attentively.
· Attend every class, on time and prepared. 

2. Reading Assignments
· There is extensive required reading found on the Internet and in texts for this course. You are expected to come to class having already read the assigned material. Occasionally, there will be in-class assignments related to your reading, as well as in class group assignments.

3. Written Assignments
· Four reader responses

· One technology autobiography
· One annotated social studies website listing (Internet Resource Guide)

· One review and analysis of a children's social studies website

4. Teaching Assignments
· One virtual field trip assignment

5. Presentation Assignments

· One web-based electronic portfolio presentation


Have you previously taught an online course?

            No, I have not.


If yes, please list.


What is your current working knowledge of WEBCT?  (Prior knowledge is not a requirement for applying for or receiving the grant).

            I am familiar with online dialogue programs but I have not used WEBCT and would need to schedule some appointments with the professionals in Information Resources.  Additionally, I would gladly ask for technological help when necessary.