EDU 510 Inquiry into Teaching, Technology and Research


Initial Technology Survey


Name ___________________________________________


Directions: Please take some time to answer the following questions so I know how to best support you this semester.


  1. How much experience do you have with computers:

q       1 year or less

q       2-3 years

q       4 or more years


  1. How much experience do you have with presentation software?

q       None

q       1 year

q       2-3 years

q       4 or more years


  1. How much experience do you have working on Web authoring?

q       None

q       1 year

q       2-3 years

q       4 or more years

If you have experience, in this area, please indicate what you've used (ASCII editor, FrontPage, Netscape Composer, Dream weaver, Other):






  1. How many years have you used the Internet?

q       1 year or less

q       2-3 years

q       4 or more years


Please provide short answers to the following questions.


  1. How comfortable and successful do you feel you have been with troubleshooting computer difficulties (both hardware and software)?






  1. Write to tell about your comfort and ability to use computers and technology as a teaching tool.







  1. What would you like to learn regarding technology and computers in this course?







  1. How do you think that technology can improve student learning?











Thank you for completing this computer use survey!