State University of New York College at Cortland
School of Education
Childhood/Early Childhood Department
Education 647: Social Education in the Digital Age
Course Syllabus


Course Information:
Semester/year: Spring, 2006

Credit Hours: 3
Class: Tuesdays 4:20 - 6:50

Location: Van Hoesen, Room C 0021

Section: 601

CRN: 23827

Professor Information:
Dr. Kimberly Rombach
Office: Van Hoesen B 219 #1
Office Phone: 753-5687
Office Hours: M, W, F 3:00 - 4:00
and by appointment

Required Materials:

Berson, M., Cruz, B., Duplass, J. & Johnston, J. (2004). Social Studies on the Internet. 2nd ed. Columbus, OH: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.


Warschauer, M. (2004). Technology and Social Inclusion: Rethinking the Digital Divide. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.


Course Description:

This course is designed to prepare graduate students in the social specialization strand to become "wise connoisseurs" of social studies resources on the Internet. This course will also explore practical theory and research concerning teaching and learning social studies on the Internet while providing multiple experiences to use communication technology. Students will create an Internet resource guide for use in the social studies classroom. Pre/Co-requisite: EDU 524. (3 cr. hr.)


Course Attendance Policy:

**Mandatory** Your presence and participation are crucial in a course that emphasizes interaction and the experiential. Penalties are given for unexcused and/or chronic absences (see handbook, pg. 56).

Academic Integrity Statement:
The College is an academic community, which values academic integrity and takes seriously its responsibility for upholding academic honesty. All members of the academic community have an obligation to uphold high intellectual and ethical standards. For more information on academic integrity and academic dishonesty, please refer to the College Handbook, the College Catalog and the Code of Student Conduct and Related Policies or ask your instructor.

Students with Disabilities:
If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accommodations, please contact the Office of Student Disability Services located in B-40 Van Hoesen Hall or call (607) 753-2066 for an appointment. Information regarding your disability will be treated in a confidential manner. Because many accommodations require early planning, requests for accommodations should be made as early as possible.


Grading: Grading will be based on participation and assignments. Numerical grade equivalents are as follows:

A+   99 - 100%
A     95 - 98%
A-    90 - 94%
B+   88 - 89%
B     84 - 87%
B-    80 - 83%
C+   78 - 79%
C     74 - 77%
C-    70 - 73%
D+   68 - 69%
D     64 - 67%
D-    60 - 63%
F      00 - 59%


Learning Activities and Assignments:
The following are requirements of this course. You will be asked to evaluate yourself on each of these throughout the duration of this course.

1. Class Participation
· Demonstrate your thorough understandings of the assigned readings.
· Contribute regularly in class - not dominating discussions or having to be prompted to contribute.
· Listen attentively.
· Attend every class, on time and prepared. 

2. Reading Assignments
· There is extensive required reading found on the Internet and in texts for this course. You are expected to come to class having already read the assigned material. Occasionally, there will be in-class assignments related to your reading, as well as in class group assignments.

3. Written Assignments
· Four reader responses

 · One technology autobiography
· One annotated social studies website listing (Internet Resource Guide)

· One review and analysis of a children's social studies website

4. Teaching Assignments
· One virtual field trip assignment

5. Presentation Assignments

· One web-based electronic portfolio presentation



Course Assessment and Evaluation:

Evaluation should be designed to (1) promote your own growth and learning; (2) give you on-going feedback; (3) strengthen the working relationship between the teacher and the student.

Detailed descriptions of all assignments and corresponding grading rubrics will be handed out in class. Please follow the rubric and assignment explanations carefully to avoid misunderstandings.

Assessment and evaluation of this course will be based on a 100-point system and is outlined as follows:

In class participation (including home group activities)    10 points
Reader Responses: 4 @ 5 points each                          20 points
Technology autobiography                                                        10 points
Virtual Field Trip                                                                      15 points
Social Studies Internet Resource Guide                         15 points

Children's Social Studies Website Review and Analysis 10 points
Electronic portfolio (web-based)                                               20 points

Rewrite and Re-do policy:

If you receive less than full credit on your reader response, you can re-write it and turn it in within one week. If you resubmit an entry, it must be re-typed and you must turn in your original paper and the original scoring rubric so I can see the changes you made. Your new grade will be an average of the original and new grade. Reader responses will not be accepted late.

If you receive less than full credit on your Technology Autobiography, you can set up a time to meet individually with me to discuss any missing components. Revisions can be made and you can resubmit your Technology Autobiography. Your new grade will be an average of the original and new grade. Your Technology Autobiography will not be accepted late.


If you receive less than full credit on your Children's Social Studies Website Review and Analysis, you can re-write it and turn it in within one week. If you resubmit it, it must be re-typed and you must turn in your original analyses and the original scoring rubric so I can see the changes you made. Your higher of the two grades will be used toward your final grade.

This assignment will not be accepted late nor can it be redone.


Your social studies Internet resource guide will be reviewed and assessed at various times throughout the semester. It will not be accepted late, nor can it be redone.

Your portfolio will be reviewed and assessed at various times throughout the semester. Your electronic portfolio will be presented in class. It will not be accepted late, nor can it be redone.

Course Schedule: Reading Assignments and Assignment Due Dates


Readings and Assignments Due Today

Wed., January 25

Introduction to course, review syllabus, explore assumptions about teaching and learning, establish cooperative groups

Wed., February 1

Read an excerpt from Expectations of Excellence: Curriculum Standards for Social Studies (only read the intro. and the 10 strands) at:

Wed., February 8

Read Warschauer, pg. 1-10

Technology Autobiography Due

Wed., February 15

Read Berson, pg. 1-15

Reader Response #1 Due

Wed., February 15

Read Warschauer, pg. 11-30

Wed., February 22

Read Warschauer, pg. 31-48

Reader Response #2 Due

Wed., March 1


Wed., March 8

Read Berson, pg. 16-24 (visit selected sites)

Read Warschauer, pg. 49-79

Portfolio Checkpoint #1 Due

Wed., March 15

Spring Break

Wed., March 22

Read Berson, pg. 25-40 (and visit selected sites)

Children's Social Studies Website Review and Analysis Due

Wed., March 29

Read Berson, pg. 41-58 (and visit selected sites)

Read Warschauer, pg. 109-152

Reader Response #3 Due

Portfolio Checkpoint #2 Due

Wed., April 5

Read Berson, pg. 59-65

Wed., April 12

Read Berson, pg. 59-65

Reader Response #4 Due

Wed., April 19

Read Berson, pg. 66-73

Portfolio Checkpoint #3 Due

Wed., April 26

Read Berson, pg. 74-82

Read Berson, pg. 59-65

Virtual Field Trip Due

Wed., May 3

Social Studies Internet Resource Guide Due

Wed., May 10

Read Berson, pg. 94-139

Finals Week: Date and Time TBA

Final Exam: Portfolio Presentation