Application No. _______ Action __________________ Date_____________


State of New York/United University Professions

Joint Labor-Management Committees


Application for 2003-2007


This application must be completed for consideration for all labor-management funded programs.  Prior to completing this application, you should review the guidelines for specific requirements for the committee/program to which you are applying.  A separate application must be submitted for each funding request.


Check the appropriate committee/program to which you are applying:


A.  Employment Committee

_____  Enrollment Enhancement Program

_____ Retraining Fellowship Program

_____ Employment Counseling and

            Placement Program

B.  Professional Development Committee
__X__  Individual Development Awards

_____  Special Projects Fund

C.  Safety and Health Committee

_____  Dr. Herbert N. Wright Memorial

            Safety and Health Training Awards

D.  Affirmative Action/Diversity Committee
____  Grants for Employees with Disabilities

_____  Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Leave Program

E.  Technology Committee
_____  Technology

F.  Campus Grants Committee

_____  Campus Grants


1.      Applicant’s Name___Kimberly Rombach_________________________________________________


2.      Work Address___Childhood/Early Childhood Department    VanHoesen Hall


3. Phone: Work (_607_) _753-5687____Home (315)__449-1228__


4.      Campus(es)_SUNY at Cortland________________________________________________________


5.      Division/Program/Department ____School of Education -- Department of Childhood/Early Childhood


6.      Title/Rank___Assistant Professor____________________________________________________


7.      For proposed project/activity involving more than one person, indicate the number participating from each category:

(a.) _X_Academic
1. __1_Full-time
2. ____Part-time

(b.) ____Professional
1. ____Full-time
2. ____Part-time


8.      Check all that apply for Dr. Nuala McGann Drescher Leave Program ONLY: 


(a.) Review Date for Continuing or Permanent Appointment________ (b.) Current Term Status________

(c.) Gender _______Male _______Female  (d.) Disabled _______Yes _______No

(e.) Minority Group Member _______Yes _______No  (f.) Vietnam-Era Veteran _______Yes ______No


9.      Proposed project/activity title. (List name of seminar, conference, workshop, etc. if applicable.) _______ Facilitating Preservice Teachers’ Awareness and Understanding of Inclusive Elementary Education Practices_

10.  Date of proposed project/activity: from ____05/01/06___________to ____05/31/06_________________


11.  Briefly describe the proposed project/activity and its job relatedness. (Use additional sheets if necessary)

     I would like to create a video library of elementary educators who work in inclusive elementary classrooms. Since the reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the overarching special education law protecting students with disabilities, preservice teachers need to become aware of the ways that their future elementary school classrooms have students with disabilities in them. Currently, our students are not always placed in classrooms where students with disabilities are taught – yet will be required to teach such students when they become classroom teachers. There are some videos that well depict effective teaching practices in inclusive classrooms and I would like to use some clips from different videos to show in the teacher preparation classes that I teach .


Budget Summary (Refer to the committee/program guidelines for specific requirements.)

List amount from each:


JLMC Funds __$500_____ + Campus ________ + Other Sources __________  = TOTAL ___$500___

I am aware that expenditures are subject to the NYS Comptroller’s Rules and Regulations and that any equipment, software, and non-consumable items purchased with labor management funds remain property of the State of New York/SUNY and must be inventoried by the campus in accordance with local procedures.

______________________________________________________ Date ________________________

Applicant’s Signature


The following signatures are required for all applications except Individual Development Awards.


____________________________ Date_________       ____________________________ Date_________

Campus President/Designee Signature                     UUP Chapter President Signature


Please list all attachments being submitted, as required by the committee/program guidelines to which you are applying. (Use additional sheets if necessary)


1.   Brief Curriculum Vita


2.   Project Description


3.   Budget Summary


4.   Itemization and Justification of Expenditures










Submit applications, with attachments, pursuant to the date specified in the committee/program guidelines as follows:

Ř      Individual Development Awards application to your local Campus Professional Development Committee.

Ř      All other applications to:

State/UUP Joint Labor-Management Committees

2 Empire State Plaza, 7th Floor

Albany, New York 12223

Fax: (518) 474-8587 or


The State of New York/United University Professions Joint Labor-Management Committees do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation in the admission to, access to, or employment in its program activities. Reasonable accommodation will be provided on request.




Kimberly A. Rombach, Ph.D.  
Department of Childhood/Early Childhood    
SUNY at Cortland, P.O. Box 2000 Cortland, NY 13045

Education Background
Doctor of Philosophy  in Teaching and Curriculum
     Syracuse University
     December 2002

     Master of Science in Elementary Education
     State University of New York College at Cortland
     December 1993

     Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education
     State University of New York College at Cortland
     May 1988

College Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor
     School of Education, Childhood/Early Childhood
     State University of New York College at Cortland
     August 2004 - present
     Inclusive Elementary Education
     Cazenovia College
     January 2004 - August 2004

     Adjunct Professor
     School of Education, Teaching and Leadership
     Syracuse University
     June 2002 - May 2003
     Graduate Teaching Associate
     School of Education, Teaching and Leadership
     Syracuse University
     August 2000 - May 2002 and January 1997 - May 1997
     Preservice Teaching Supervisor
     School of Education, Inclusive Education Program
     Syracuse University
     January 2001 - May 2001

Public School Teaching Experience
Elementary Classroom Teacher
     Walberta Park Primary School
     Westhill Central School District
     September 1988 - June 2004

     Rombach, K. (in prep). Clarifying Research Synthesis on
     Inclusion: Using the Inclusion Definition Instrument (IDI)

     Rombach, K. (in prep). Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms: General
     Educators' Learning Experiences

     Rombach, K. (2001). Help Wanted: Kids Who Care. Teaching K-8,
     32 (3), 58-59.
Contributor to Publications
     Sapon-Shevin, M. (2001). Lessons in Peace: Educational Activity
     Guide. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse Cultural Workers.

     Sapon-Shevin, M. (1999). Because We Can Change The World:
     A Practical Guide to Building Cooperative, Inclusive Classroom
     Communities. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Selected Professional Presentations
      Learning from General Elementary Educators' Experiences in
      Inclusive Classrooms. (Accepted for April 2005). Annual Meeting of the
      American Educational Research Association, Division K, Montreal, Quebec.

     Literacy Development in Inclusive Classrooms. (08/04). Keynote   
     Presentation, Literacy Institute, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.

     Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms: General Elementary Educators'
     Perspectives on What Teachers Need to Know. (03/02). Annual
     Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Current Service
     Faculty Senator
     Faculty Search Committee
     Children's Museum Committee
Selected Recognitions/Awards
Berj Hartoonian Award, Outstanding Doctoral Research, Syracuse University, January 2002

     University Teaching Certificate, Syracuse University, December 2002

Professional Organizations
American Educational Research Association
     Phi Kappa Phi Interdisciplinary Honor Society  


Project Description


     This proposal is to support me researching, critiquing and obtaining teaching resources (i.e. videotapes) that could be used to effectively facilitate preservice teachers' learning regarding how to teach students with disabilities in general education classrooms. Prior research has indicated that many general educators have been assigned to teach students with and without disabilities in inclusive classrooms despite not having formalized education to do so. Therefore, I would like to begin to incorporate ways that some teachers have come to better understand how to teach students with disabilities alongside their peers without disabilities.

     This project is intended to augment the instructional materials that I use in the classroom and will enhance my effectiveness in teaching because I will be able to show ways that elementary teachers have been successful using various teaching strategies to facilitate all students learning in their classrooms. The videotape clips would allow me to enhance my own professional development as I locate, review and critique materials and select them for student use.

     In the future, I intend to study the effectiveness of these materials and my students’ perceptions of using such resources to facilitate elementary students' discussions about inclusive elementary education.




















State/UUP Joint Labor-Management Committees

Budget Summary for 2003-2007 Applications


Prior to completing this form, review the guidelines for the program to which you are applying.  Complete only those sections that are applicable and specify the type of expenditure for each item.  A separate budget summary must be completed for each semester or quarter for which funding is being requested.  Please note that some of the expenditures are specific to a particular program.  All expenditures exceeding $250 must be itemized and justified.



Applicant’s Name___Kimberly Rombach_____________Program___Individual Development Award


Time Period for Funding: from____May 01, 2006____________ to ____May 31, 2006_______________







Amount Requested From





Other Sources*


JLMC Funds


Travel and related expenses

a. Lodging @ ___/day x ___ day(s)








b. Meals @ ______/day x _ day(s)

               @ ____/day x _ day(s)








c. Transportation






d. Other






Non-consumable supplies/materials/books

Specify___________________________      $      $                                                                                                                                     








Consumable supplies (e.g. paper, pens, postage, film, or video equipment)

Specify:_ videos that will serve as teaching materials about inclusive education_(see attached)_








Tuition for course work or internship (at SUNY maximum rates)

Specify Institution___________________









Equipment (lease or purchase)

Specify___(see attached)__________





















Registration fees for conference,

seminar, internship, or workshop

Specify__ ____________










Replacement Salary










Affirmative Action/Diversity Committee








a.      Personal assistance










Employment Committee Enrollment Enhancement Program














a.                  Personnel (e.g. consultants, temporary staff, extra service payment) 









b.                  Facilities (e.g. room or equipment rental)











Employment Committee Retraining Fellowship Program








a. Stipend







c.      Relocation Expenses











Professional Development












a.                  Research support (e.g., computer time, network access, or clerical support)









Other Expenses**





















*Identify Other Sources: _______________________________________________________________


**Justification for Other Expenses and/or expenditures over $750______________________________



I am aware that expenditures are subject to the NYS Comptroller’s Rules and Regulations and that any equipment, software, and non-consumable items purchased with labor-management funds remain property of the State of New York/State University of New York and must be inventoried by each campus in accordance with local procedures.


Signature: __________________________________________________   Date: ________________


Please refer questions to: (518) 457-1198 or  All correspondence should be sent to: State/UUP Joint Labor-Management Committees, 2 Empire State Plaza, 7th Floor, Albany, New York 12223.


The State of New York/United University Professions Labor-Management Committees do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, or sexual orientation in the admission to, access to, or employment in its program activities.  Reasonable accommodation will be provided on request.


























































Itemization and Justification for Expenditures Exceeding $250:


1.      Non-consumable supplies/materials/books:


For this project, I would like to purchase videotapes depicting elementary educators and their students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. These teaching resources can be used myself and other colleagues to promote preservice teachers’ understanding of new laws that mandate students with disabilities be taught in the least restrictive environment – which is often the general education classroom. The videos that I would purchase with this grant depict teachers and students with disabilities. In addition, some of the videos depict students’ experiences/narratives in inclusive classrooms. I will purchase these videos from Breaking the Barriers, a national effort supported by TASH to create ways for others to learn more about people/students with disabilities.




Individual Development Award Grant Proposal – Spring 2006

Kimberly Rombach, Department of Childhood/Early Childhood


The following list contains 5 videotapes that I would like to use in the undergraduate and graduate elementary teacher preparation classes that I teach (sorted by cost):



Title of Video




“Inside the Edge: A Journey to Using Speech through Typing

A documentary written and narrated by Jamie Burke, a 15-year-old high school student with autism.  In this video, he tells of his personal experiences with the use of facilitated communication, developing speech, and inclusive schooling.

Facilitated Communications Institute; Syracuse University


They’re Just Kids

Documentary video showing how children with disabilities can positively affect our lives. It focuses on the benefits that "typical" kids receive when relating to kids with special needs. Told primarily from the "typical" child's point of view.

Phenomenal Filmworks


Standards and Inclusion: Can We Have Both?

Contents of the video discuss the consequences of higher standards, the seven factors of successful inclusion, the reauthorization of I.D.E.A and the restructuring of schools. Schools are highlighted across the country and show ways the learning needs of all students are being successfully met in general education environments.

National Professional Resources, Inc.


One Child’s Real Life Inclusion into Her Neighborhood School: Step by Step: Heather’s Story

The video shows an eight-year-old girl with Down syndrome in a special education program. It follows her through two years and into the fourth grade in "regular school." This video shows a two-year, longitudinal study while providing the opportunity to watch  teachers, principal, family, and classmates work together with her.

Program Development Associates


Special Needs Students in the Regular Classroom? Sean’s Story

This is the story of an elementary school aged boy with Down syndrome who was part of a battle over "inclusion," the practice of placing mentally or physically challenged students in regular classrooms.

Films Media Group: Films for the Humanities and Sciences


Total Cost for Videos
