EDU 510: Inquiry into Teaching, Technology and Research


Understanding Article Types


There are many different types of scholarly articles that are written and published in professional education journals. When you do your own research you will undoubtedly locate different types of articles. It will be helpful for you to gain experience with quickly determining the type of article that you are reading. The following list provides the different types of articles that are published in scholarly journals and a brief description of each:


Article Type

Brief Description of Article Type

Qualitative Research Study

Reports the findings of a study using narrative (quotation) representations.

Quantitative Research Study

Reports the findings of a study using numeric representations.

Mixed Methods Research Study

Reports the findings of a study using both narrative and numeric representations.

Case Study

Reports the findings of one participant that is usually found to be unique to others.


Provides the author's comments and opinions on a topic.

Book Review

Provides an overview and opinion of a book that was recently published.

Review of the Literature/Research Synthesis

Provides a synthesis of research that has previously been reported on a particular educational topic.

Definition Article

Compares ways that a term or phrase's definition has emerged (or changed) over time.

How-to (Solution Set-Up) Article

Establishes a problem (or situation) that needs to be fixed and offers a solution that tells how to do so with recommendations or a new tool.