November 23, 2006




Dear Host Administrator,


It has been beneficial to have you as a host administrator for the Master’s of Science in Teaching program in the Childhood Education Department at SUNY Cortland throughout this past semester. Our practicum students often mention their field placement among their most valuable learning experiences in their MST program and we value host administrators’ contribution to our students.


The practicum student(s) that were placed in your host school will be soon presenting a portfolio documenting his/her learning experiences throughout his/her teacher preparation program and you are invited to attend the annual MST Portfolio Review.


The Portfolio Review will be held on:


Date: Friday, December 1, 2006

Time: 3:30 – 5:00

Where: Exhibition Lounge, Corey Union, SUNY Cortland


A light buffet dinner will be provided.


During the Portfolio Review, preservice teachers will present their portfolios in small groups and if you attend, we invite you to participate by listening to 4-5 students present their portfolios. After each presentation, we will ask you to provide feedback to the students.


Please consider attending our Portfolio Review. We believe that you will find it to be an exciting time to celebrate our emerging childhood educators. Certainly, the preservice teacher(s) you hosted this past semester will find value with your attendance and participation.





SUNY Cortland’s MST Childhood Education Faculty