
Commitment to work against racism

Have you taken action on any of the items listed below?

Count the number of yes's you can list. You might want to try several strategies you haven't done yet.

  1. Have I aggressively sought out more information in an effort to enhance my own awareness and understanding of racism (talking with others, reading, listening)?
  2. Have I spent some time recently looking at my own racist attitudes and behavior as they contribute to or combat racism around me?
  3. Have I reevaluated my use of terms or phrases that may be perceived by others as degrading or hurtful?
  4. Have I openly disagreed with a racist comment, joke, or action among those around me?
  5. Have I made a personal contract with myself to take a positive stand, even at some possible risk, when the chance occurs?
  6. Have I become increasingly aware of racist TV programs, advertising, news broadcasts, etc.? Have I complained to those in charge?
  7. Have I realized that White Americans are trapped by their own school, homes, media, government, etc., even when they choose not to be openly racists?
  8. Have I suggested and taken steps to implement discussions or workshops aimed at understanding racism with friends, colleagues, social clubs, or church groups?
  9. Have I been investigating political candidates at all levels in terms of their stance and activity against racist government practices?
  10. Have I investigated curricula of local schools in terms of their treatment of the issue of racism (also, textbooks, assemblies, faculty, staff, administration)?
  11. Have I contributed time and/or funds to an agency, fund, or program that actively confronts the problems of racism?
  12. Have my buying habits supported nonracist shops, companies, or personnel?
  13. Is my school or place of employment a target for my educational efforts in responding to racism?
  14. Have I become seriously dissatisfied with my own level of activity in combating racism?
  15. Anything else?


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Created by Kathryn Russell
SUNY Cortland - Philosophy
Last modified on 8-13-99