
Homophobia and heterosexism discussion

The following notes and discussion questions are based on Suzanne Pharr's Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism:

Homosexuality is more than a form of sex or a lifestyle.

Lesbianism "is a sexual/ affectional identity that focuses on women in its attractions and social relationships. It's "a "woman-centered life with all the social interconnections that entails." 20-21

Heterosexism is a form of sexism - a system of social power relations which creates homophobia

Sexism is a system that keeps women below men in social status; gender roles are part of sexism; these roles are maintained through economics (12), violence, and homophobia. (8 - 9)

Heterosexism involves:

  • the assumption that the world is and must be heterosexual
  • a routine performance of heterosexual power (especially in the the nuclear family)
  • social interactions where heterosexual privilege is seen as the norm (Pharr 16 -17)

Class Discussion:
  1. Read the heterosexual questionnaire. How do the questions reveal what heterosexism is?
  2. In a news conference President Clinton said he opposes teaching homosexuality in public schools as an acceptable alternative lifestyle, but believes children should be taught not to discriminate against or fear homosexual males and lesbians. Analyze his position. Evaluate it from your own point of view.
  3. Do you think the State of New York should allow gays and lesbians to have legal marriages?
  4. Personal Reflection: What would the word be like for you without homophobia and heterosexism in it? (No matter your affectional or sexual identity!)

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Created by Kathryn Russell
SUNY Cortland - Philosophy
Last modified on 8-10-99