WebQuest Project

- A joint project for EDU314 and EDU375

Dr. Lin Lin's EDU 375 Social Studies WebQuest Projct

Project Description

This is a joint project with EDU314. You could get credits for both courses making ONE Social Studies Web Quest. Using the skills you will learn from EDU314, you are going to create a social studies Web Quest for elementary students. The task for your Web Quest must be an inquiry about a social studies concept(s) or theme(s). Detailed instruction and examples are provided through WebCt. Web Quest link should be submitted through WebCt.  

In this project, you will design an inquiry-oriented activity that guides your elementary students to the Web for information on a specific social studies topic. The topic is your own choice. I strongly suggest you use NYS SS Standards, and SS Resource Guide with Core Curriculum. Both books help you decide on a social studies topic that is appropriate for a particular grade level. Your Social Studies Web Quest must clearly state the grade level the Web Quest is created for. When you direct students to the Web for information on your topic, always bear in mind the reading level of the students in that grade.

Your Social Studies Web Quest must have at least five essential sections: Introduction, Task, Process, Evaluation, and Conclusion, but not limited to these five sections. Examples you will see on the Internet and in EDU314 and EDU375 have other sections as well.

Evaluation Rubric

Introduction (5 points total)

Motivational Effectiveness

0 points

The introduction is purely factual, with no appeal to relevance or social importance.


2.5 point

The introduction relates somewhat to the learner's interests and/or describes a compelling question or problem.

5 points

The introduction draws the reader into the lesson by relating to the learner's interests or goals and/or engagingly describing a compelling question or problem.


Task (The task is the end result of student efforts... not the steps involved in getting there.) (5 points total)

Connection of Task to Standards

0 points

The task is not related to social studies standards and not appropriate for the grade selected.

1.5 point

The task is referenced to social studies standards but is not clearly connected to what students must know and be able to do to achieve proficiency of those standards.

2.5 points

The task is referenced to social studies standards and is clearly connected to what students must know and be able to do to achieve proficiency of those standards.


Cognitive Level of the Task

0 points

Task requires simply comprehending or retelling of information found on web pages and answering factual questions.

1.5 points

Task is doable but is limited in its significance to students' lives. The task requires analysis of information and/or putting together information from several sources.

2.5 points

Task is doable and engaging, and elicits thinking that goes beyond rote comprehension. The task requires synthesis of multiple sources of information, and/or taking a position, and/or going beyond the data given and making a generalization or creative product.


Process (The process is the step-by-step description of how students will accomplish the task.) (5 points total)

Clarity of Process

0 points

Process is not clearly stated. Students would not know exactly what they were supposed to do just from reading this.

1.5 points

Some directions are given, but there is missing information. Students might be confused.

2.5 points

Every step is clearly stated. Most students would know exactly where they are at each step of the process and know what to do next.


Richness of Process

0 points

Few steps, no separate roles assigned.

1.5 points

Some separate tasks or roles assigned. More complex activities required.

2.5 points

Different roles are assigned to help students understand different perspectives and/or share responsibility in accomplishing the task.


Resources (Note: you should evaluate all resources linked to the page, even if they are in sections other than the Process block. Also note that books, video and other off-line resources can and should be used where appropriate.)

Relevance & Quantity of Resources

0 points

Resources provided are not sufficient for students to accomplish the task.


There are too many resources for learners to look at in a reasonable time.

1.5 point

There is some connection between the resources and the information needed for students to accomplish the task. Some resources don't add anything new.

2.5 points

There is a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources and the information needed for students to accomplish the task. Every resource carries its weight.


Quality of

0 points

Links are mundane. They lead to information that could be found in a classroom encyclopedia.

1.5 points

Some links carry information not ordinarily found in a classroom.

2.5 points

Links make excellent use of the Web's timeliness and colorfulness.

Varied resources provide enough meaningful information for students to think deeply.



Clarity of Evaluation Criteria

0 points

Criteria for success are not described.

3 points

Criteria for success are at least partially described.

5 points

Criteria for success are clearly stated in the form of a rubric. Criteria include qualitative as well as quantitative descriptors.

The evaluation instrument clearly measures what students must know and be able to do to accomplish the task.


Total Score


This assignment is created by Dr. Lin Lin. The project evaluation rubric was adapted by Dr. Lin from the original rubric designed by Bernie Dodge at http://webquest.sdsu.edu/webquestrubric.html

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This page was last updated on Jan. 23, 2008
For comments or questions contact
Dr. Shufang Shi