Week 13 Digital Storytelling Project #7

To do this week

1. Understand the Ideas of Digital Storytelling

"Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories derive their power by weaving images, music, narrative and voice together, thereby giving deep dimension and vivid color to characters, situations, experiences, and insights." (Quoted from Leslie Rule, Digital Storytelling Association)

Work in groups of 2-5 people. Explore the following links, and understand the whats, whys, and hows of digital storytelling. After you have finished those tasks, construct your own digital storytelling project.

1.1 What is digital storytelling? Explore The Center of Digital Storytelling . Click the example of digital storytelling - MOMNOTMom - A Story (Click the Quicktime Version)

1.2. Explore Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling - the best webs tie for digital storytelling developed by professionals at the University of Houston.

University of Houston: Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling - The University of Houston has a great gallery of videos by students, teachers, and professors.

Digital stories can be informative, questioning, historical, autobiographical, or anywhere in between. Here are links to digital stories on many different topics.

Stories for History and Social Studies: The Gettysburg Address and more!

1.3. Explore another Digital Storytelling website - one of the most comprehensive websites for digital storytelling created by Dr. Helen C. Barrett. It includes digital storytelling software, free downloads, tutorials and much more... Don't drown in the info!

2. Brainstorm Your Own Project Ideas

All the other projects in this technology course are related to your classroom teaching. Let's make this project an exception: you can create a photostory that is not related to your teaching. Create a photostory that is meaningful to you as yourself, your family, etc, but the project and photos need to be appropriate for your professional ePortfolio.

3. Create Your Own Digital Story

For this project, the idea is "Learning by Doing". Learn to make a digital story using Microsoft Photo Story 3 for Windows in groups, and make your own photo stories. It can be very simple, or it can be very sophisticated...

How-to movie here (created by Michael, 5th grade)

A step-by-step approach, Photo Story 3 Tutorials included, to create a digital story - created by Instructional Technology Program graduate students at the University of Houston.

4. Link your Digital Story Project to Your Eportfolio.

The photostory linked to your ePortfolio need to be in .wmv format (a finalized photostory project) instead of .wp3 format (an unfinalized photostory project).

5. Download Microsoft Photo Story 3 for Free!!!

Go to Microsoft Photostory 3 for Windows, click Download Photo Story 3 and follow the installation steps. Note that you must have Media Player 10 installed before the installation of Photostory will run. You will be prompted to do this. Just follow the validation and installation instructions.

6. For Next Week: Wrap up and Troubleshoot Your ePortfolio

Review the Basic Requirements for Your ePortfolio. Make sure you include all the components of the ePorforlio, put everything together and spice it up!

7. Q & A

Homework: Work on Project #8 Reflections on the Learning Experience

DUE this week: Projects 7 Digital Storytelling


Acknowledgements: Thanks go to the Instructional Technology Program graduate students and faculty Dr. Bernard R. Robin at the University of Houston. Thanks also go to Dr. Helen C. Barrett, to the Center for Digital Storytelling, and all the other resources included in this website. Thanks also go to Michael for his cute (or not) contribution.