Web Design and Publishing:
First Try

Step 1 Make a folder on a local drive

Make a folder on a local drive (desktop or your flash drive) and name it: "314". You'll put all your ePortfoilo files in this folder, including images (gifs and jpgs).

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to place all your files (html documents, images etc) in that single folder. Later, you can do things differently, but as a novice, you will avoid many frustrating broken links if you have all your documents in a single folder. 

Step 2 Open Netscape Composer

Open Netscape Composer and get familiar with it

Step 3 Create an "index.html" file - Your First Page

Make a single page, type something like "Welcome to [your name]'s ePortfolio" and save it into your "314" folder.

Please name it (save as) "index.html".

Step 4 Create a web folder on Cortland Server

Instructions here:

Step 5 Publish the page - put pages in your Cortland Server web folder

Step 6 Access your pages

Your URL to access your web pages is http://web.cortland.edu/ followed by the the name of the webpage. For example, the first page I made is index.html and the URL is http://web.cortland.edu/shis/index.html
URL (Uniform Resource Locator): an address that specifies the location of a file on the internet.

About the special file "index.html" (your default homepage)
Note: It is crucial that your main page for your website be titled "index.html" (or "index.htm"). If you do not have an index.html or index.htm file in your Cortland Web folder, your website WILL NOT WORK.

Step 7 Practice creating another page named "practice.html" and publish it.

Step 8 Update/Revise Your Main Page

Update the "index.html" page based on the basic requirements of your ePortfolio in the syllabus (eg. see my documents/314)

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