EDU 314 Teaching With Computers in 
Elementary and Secondary Schools

Fall, 2005    

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Setting up A Named Anchor

A named anchor (also called "bookmark" or "target") is just like a hyperlink -- but instead of sending people to another Web page, you are sending them to another location on your page. It's a fast way to move people around, e.g., to return to the top or to send them quickly to another location on your page.  See examples of anchors here:

First, you need to set up the named anchor -- the place you want to send people to.

  • Put your cursor in the location where you want the named anchor -- the place you want to send people to (e.g., the top of the page).

  • Go to the pull-down "insert" menu and click "named anchor."

  • You will get a small dialogue box asking you to name the anchor. Type in something simple, limited to one word only (e.g.: top).

  • Click "OK" and the dialogue box will close.

  • You should now see a colored symbol with a picture of an anchor at the place where you put the named anchor. This will appear only on your authoring page, not on the page when seen in a browser.

Second, set up the hyperlink that people will click to go to the named anchor.

  • Type the text that will be the active link (e.g.: return to the top). (Be sure to type your text in the appropriate place -- e.g., at the bottom of the page.)

  • With your mouse, highlight the text you just typed.

  • Click the "link" button.

  • You will get the same dialogue box you got for a regular link.

  • Click the down arrow on the right. The named anchor you created in step one will be listed. Click once on it so it is highlighted.

  • Click "OK."

  • The text (e.g., return to the top) is now highlighted as a link to this named anchor (e.g., top). 

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This page was last modified on November 02, 2005
For comments
or questions contact:
Dr. Shufang Shi