EDU 314 Teaching With Computers in 
Elementary and Secondary Schools

Fall, 2005

| Syllabus | Schedule | People | ePortfolio Showcase 

Reflections on ISTE & NETS-T Standards

Review the NETS for Teachers Standards.:

  • Choose a category.
  • Explain in 2-3 paragraphs why you think it's important for you as a teacher to demonstrate competency in that category.
  • Give 2 detailed examples of what a teacher could do that would demonstrate competency in the category you've chosen.

Review the NETS for Students Standards

What are the differences and similarities between the NETS for Teachers and the NETS for Students standards?

  • Choose a category.
  • Explain in 2-3 paragraphs why you think it's important for for a student to demonstrate competency in that category.
  • Give 2 detailed examples of activites that you could develop to help your future students demonstrate competency in the category you've chosen.


SUNY Cortland Fall 2005 evTMB Webfolio Samples: 
Go to the following link (copy and paste the link to your explorer):
Click any of the links to students' ePortfolio, go to their "Professional Pages", find links named as "Educational Technology" or "Teaching with Computers", and click links namesd as "NETS for Teacher and Students" or similar names.

Publish Your Reflections: 

Name your Reflections on ISTE & NETS-T Standards as "reflections.htm" and publish it to your Cortland website.

Due date: Week 6, 10/03/05

Acknowledgement: Dr.Beth Kleith and the 2000, 2004 and 2005 evTMB classes.

This page was last modified September 25, 2005
For comments
or questions contact:
Dr. Shufang Shi