EDU 314 Teaching With Computers in 
Elementary and Secondary Schools

Fall, 2005

Home | Syllabus | Schedule | People | ePortfolio Showcase 

Basic Requirements for Your ePortfolio

Picture by Single Source Photography


The major goal for this week is to be sure everyone has an idea what elements your eportfolio would include, what you would like it look like. 


Below are the basic required components of your ePortfolio.

1. All the projects you are going to finish from this course EDU 314, including but not limited to:

1) Reflection Paper on ISTE Standards
2) Powerpoint Project
3) Edutopia PBL Module Project
4) WebQuest Project
5) Reflections on the EDU314 Course (to replace the original Excel Project) ****

2. Other course projects

Make a list of all the other courses you've taken and the corresponding projects you have accomplished on the other course projects main page and put links to each of the other course projects. The individual course project pages (sub-pages) do not need to be complete ones but there should be at least a title for each page, for instance, "EDU 375 Course Project".

3. Other components 

1) Welcome
2) About Me 
2) Resume
3) Educational Links (Educational resources for teaching and learning of elementary school level)
4) Cool ideas (It can be anything, for instance, it can be personal interests to help others know you better, for instance, a recipe, your hobbies, etc)
5) Contact me

Technical skills

1. Be able to design a single page
2. Be able to design one website that includes multiple pages.
3. Be able to publish a single page to your web space.
4. Be able to publish the website/eportfolio to your web space.
5. Be able to maintain/update it.
6. Other advanced skills that you learn from the resources provided from this course or from elsewhere (Optional). 
7. Some esthetical considerations (Optional).

ePortfolio Rubric and Specifications

ePortfolio Required Components: Notes: Value:

1. Home Page

  1. This file shall be named: index.html 
  2. The first publication
  • Email your URL (web address) to on time.
  • Include at least one graphic
  • A layout of the components based on the syllabus including links to sub-pages (which can be an empty page only with a title).

  3. The final publication

  • At least one graphic (eg. your own picture)
  • Navigation links to sub-pages
50 (first publication)





50 (final publication)

2. EDU 314 Projects Page
(Technology Page)

This page shall include:

1. At least one graphic

2. Navigation links to each of the 5 projects, with an annotation (1-3 sentences) to each of the five projects. For details of each project, see 2.1-2.5 below.

50 (adjusted*)

2.1 Reflections on NETS

Name this file as reflections.html. Reflection on how the items in this section of your ePortfolio demonstrate your competence in the NETS for Teachers Standards

50 (adjusted*)

2.2 PowerPoint Project

Group work

1. At least five slides. 
2. Some graphics inserted
3. Some animation in slide show


2.3 Edutopia PBL Module (TBD)

Name this page edutopia.html and follow instructions and  publish it on time.

This project was cancelled and the 100 points will be assigned to the evaluation of your final eportfolio.



2.4 Web Quest Project

Group work. Each WebQuest should have the following components as described in the instructions**.

Student Pages:

Description of Task
Description of the Process
Evaluation (Rubrics and method)

Teacher Page (including objectives, standards link, grade level, teacher background information, credits, and resources)

2.5 Excel Project

This Excel Project is replace by:

Reflections on the Course

name this page: excel.html

Name this page: "reflectionson314.html"

See guidelines for this course project for Week 13 on the Course Schedule page.



3. Other course projects page Name this pages othercourses.html and publish it on time. 

This page shall include:
  1. Title 
  2. At least one graphic 
  3. A layout/sketch of all other course projects. Links to other course projects are optional
60 (adjusted*)
4. Welcome Show welcome in the Home Page. It can be as simple as "Welcome to x's Home Page". 10
5. About Me Name this page as aboutme.html follow instruction and publish it on time. 50
6. Resume Name this page as resume.html or resume.doc. Follow instructions** and publish on time. 50
7. Educational Links Name this page links.html. Each link/resource needs to have a title/description, a hyperlink to the resource, and 1-3 sentence mini review as to why you think the resource is valuable. These are generic educational technology resources about how to integrate technology into your future classroom. It can also be resources of teaching and learning for elementary school level. 50

8. Cool Ideas 

This is a space for you to show your talents in various ways. It can be a recipe with a picture of a dish that you cook, or any other ideas. The only requirement is that it needs to be "cool" ;-) 10
9. Contact me An email link on your Home Page 10

10. Aesthetics

Appealing use of graphics, colors, movies, sounds, etc. will be reflected in the points awarded in this category

If your ePortfolio meets the minimal specifications described here, you gain no points. This is a subjective grading category that will require my subjective judgment.

1 = slightly exceeds requirements
5 = exceeds requirements by an unimaginable margin!

Up to 5 bonus points here!

11. ePortfolio "Checking" Assignment

Everyone must check the ePortfolio of someone else. You must hand in a sheet at the final presentation telling me who checked YOUR ePortfolio and whose ePortfolio you checked.

40 (adjusted*)

12. Navigation Points

This is where I keep track of your broken links or other errors in html. For each broken, or misdirected link, I will subtract 5 point up to a maximum point loss of 50 points

13. Final ePortfolio  Your final ePortfolio will include all the elements designated above. 
* 100
Final presentation See Final Presentation Guidelines for Week 16 on the Course Schedule Page.


You are welcome to add any other items that you wish to include. I will not penalize anyone for any points on these extra items.




880*** Total Points

*Slight adjustment to grades are made to better meet the needs of the class. Further adjustment can be made at the discretion of the instructor based on the needs of the class.

** Details of each major course project due date included are linked in the Schedule Page of the EDU 314 Course Website.  

*** The total points for the ePortfolio is 880 points, plus 60 points for Attendance & Participation, and 60 points for final presentation, totaling 1000 points for the whole course. The requirements for final presentation will be published on the Course Website 2-3 weeks ahead of the presentation. Attendance & Participation for each week is 4 points, totaling 60 points. Absence, coming  late or leaving early, or not being attentive on class will result in loss of points. 

**** Updated content is marked in this red color.

This page was last modified November 27, 2005
For comments
or questions contact:
Dr. Shufang Shi