EDU 314 Teaching With Computers in 
Elementary and Secondary Schools

Fall, 2005

| Syllabus | Schedule | People | ePortfolio Showcase 

Edutopia Project Based Learning Module

Acknowledgement: this model is developed by Dr.Beth Kleith

Follow classmates Albert and Charles in Jim Dieckmann's 4th/5th grade class as they research insects, create multimedia reports, and prepare questions to pose to entomologists at San Diego Sate University. Then, through a two-way fiber-optic connection to the University, students and scientists look at insect body parts together using an electron microscope. The interaction with experts helps Albert and Charles deepen their understanding of the scientific process. Also featured: Dr. Steve Barlow & Dr. Kathy Williams, scientists, San Diego State University

PLEASE NOTE: These files may take a while to load - so please be patience. When you connect to the web address below, you will click on the video segment (play video). Then a new screen will come up, and you will need to chose the access speed and media format and click on the save button. Then the video clip will come up and you press the play button. This is streaming video - so the downloading may not keep up with you - if that happens just back up the scroll bar and wait a few minutes as it continues to load and then hit the play button again. click on the picture for the video clip to come up. This will take a while to load. If you are doing this at home, and not in the Library Mac lab, then you will need to have the QuickTime plugin installed - if you don't know what I mean, then I suggest you make it easy on yourself view this in the Mac Lab. If you do know how to download web browser plugins, then there is a "QuickTime help" button under the picture. When you click on the address below, your browser will open another window automatically. That way you can go back and forth between the questions below, and the segments (perhaps while you wait for the next clip load, you can respond to the question(s). When you finish viewing a clip, choose the next Clear View page to view and then click on the new picture.

Your Eductopia project:

Choose one of the following questions that you are interested in from below and write reflections on it. Name this page edutopia.html and publish the project on Week 9. 

Watch the first two clips: Introducing Project-Based Learning and Student Researchers

What technology do you see in use during these two video clips. How is it being used? What do you think the students are getting from this experience?


Sharing Research through Multimedia

What do you think is the power of multimedia? How does it motivate students? How do you think effects their learning?


Assessing Project-Based Work

How can students be involved in developing assessment instruments? Why is this important in education?


Learning to Work as a Team

One of the arguments against the use of technology in schools is that it discourages teamwork, teacher/student relationships, and student/student relationships. What do you see happening in Jim Deickmann's class?


Engaging Parental Involvement

In what ways can schools provide parents with information about school life, and include them in discussions about important school issues, such as appropriate technology use?


The Changing Role of the Teacher

Describe the role of the teacher as modeled by Jim Dieckmann. How is this different than that of the traditional role of teacher?


The Project's Culmination

Describe Albert and Charles in this segment. What characteristics do they display here, that are different than the "typical" fifth grader and why do you think they show this?

This page was last modified September 28, 2005
For comments
or questions contact:
Dr. Shufang Shi