EDU 314 Teaching With Computers in 
Elementary and Secondary Schools

Fall, 2005

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ePortfolio Peer Review

What?  Review two people's ePortfolio and provide both oral and written comments.

Why?   Learning from peers and giving comments to each other could facilitate your own learning and facilitate your peers' learning as well. It could also possibly reduce stress.

When? Finish reviewing, comment drafting, and publishing in class. The publishing due time can be extended to the end of the day (midnight Wednesday, Oct. 19th).


1. Form a group of three people. Review the other two people's ePortfolio. Clue: go to the showcase page of the course website and click the links there: Have a discussion/brainstorming first. 

2. Provide oral comments first and then draft your comments in Netscape Composer and name this page "peerreview.html". 

Guidelines for the comments:

1) What feature impressed you the most in the ePortfolios you reviewed? 

2) What features/technical skills that you don't know of and that you would like the person to teach you?

3) No web design is perfect. Point out one flaw and give one piece of advice to each person that could possibly help him/her improving his/her ePortfolio.

3. Create a link in your Technology Page (EDU314 Projects Page) and link it to this peerreview.html page.

4. Publish this page. Clue: you need to FTP all the newly created and revised files: the peerreview page, the technology page, and the images newly inserted into the peerreview page.

5. Sharing with the class. Each group will share with the class what they have learned. 


Completion and quality of this project will add to your Attending and Participation scores and your final ePortfolio project evaluation scores.

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This page was last modified October 18, 2005
For comments
or questions contact:
Dr. Shufang Shi