EDU 314 Teaching With Computers in 
Elementary and Secondary Schools

Fall, 2005

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PowerPoint Projects 

Raquette Lake in the Fall, Photo by Shufang Shi
Oct.21, 2005

Assignment: Create a PowerPoint presentation, link it to your Technology Page and publish it. 

Purpose: To improve your PowerPoint skills so that you can use PowerPoint very skillfully to address an educational concern in your own classroom teaching. The idea of Educational concern should be taken very broadly, that is, it can be anything you might do that would have a defensible direct or indirect impact on student learning. 

Project Ideas: Form a group of three or four people and brainstorm ideas of your PowerPoint Project. You can create a PowerPoint telling a story of yourself - an autobiography with as many slides as your age (when I was a one-year-old; when I was two years old.... when I was 18 years old...etc, etc. you can scan your childhood pictures and then add the pictures to your PowerPoint!). Or spend time on the PowerPoint Resources Page and you might have some innovative ideas. 

Possible Applications: You may want to use the presentation you create, or a variation of it, with other teachers, with parents or students, or perhaps with the school board or community. For example, you could use it to introduce yourself to your own class.  

Examples may include (but are not limited to)

  • "Kiosk" stand alone presentation: to sit on a computer for parents at parent-teacher conferences or open house

  • Lesson in class

  • Presentation for parent night

  • Presentation for board and other teachers

Technical Requirements

  • Multi-slide PowerPoint presentation

  • Include graphics (e.g., pictures, word art, clip art)

  • Apply a PowerPoint design for backgrounds

  • Include presenter notes for several of your slides

  • Use slide transitions in a proper way to enhance the effectiveness of the presentation

Content Requirements

  • One paragraph on the presenter notes of the first slide that describes:

    1. How you will/would use this presentation

    2. How the use of this presentation is beneficial in the educational setting

  • Copy and paste this note to the technology page as an annotation to your PowerPoint Project.


Multi-slide PowerPoint presentation. The number of slides needed depends upon your application and the richness of what you include on each slide. However, it is likely that 5 slides should be a minimum.

This page was last modified on October 23, 2005
For comments
or questions contact:
Dr. Shufang Shi