Project #6: Learning by Doing


Please refer to Week 10, Oct.30 Class Schedule


604 Class Agenda


4:25-4:40 Group 1 will teach how to make Calendars, and group 2 will team teach - being teaching assistants for Gropu 1. (15 mintues)

4:40-4:55 Workshop time - practice making calendar in groups, and more showcase

4:55-5:10 Group 3 will teach how to make Newsletters (20 minutes)


4:25-4:40 Workshop time - practice making Newsletter in groups, and more showcase

4:40-5:00 Group 3 teach how to make screen shots and how to convert .pub files into pdf, practice time

5:00-5:15 Other showcase

Group 1:

Group 2:

Group 3:

Group 4:

Group 5:

Group 6:

Due date: Week 11, Thursday, Nov. 9

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This page was last updated on Agu.29, 2006
For comments or questions contact
Dr. Shufang Shi