Project #8: Puzzle Maker and Microsoft Paint
Enlighten and Inspire - Make Learning a Rich and Fun Experience

Please refer to Week 12 Puzzle Maker Class Schedule


Use Puzzle Maker program on internet to create a puzzle(s), copy and paste the puzzle made by Puzzle Maker to Microsoft Word, sceenshot the image of your puzzle, and publish the puzzle to your ePortfolio using the screenshot image of the puzzle as an image link (to the real puzzle in Mircosoft Word). AND HAVE FUN!  


Crossword puzzles have long been used as an effective and motivating pedagogical tool in vocabulary building and sign recognition. The puzzle solving activities could also create chances of community building.


1) Form a group of 2 people. You can choose to work on your own if you think that works better for you.

2) Brainstorm project ideas and design your projects through exploring the Week 12 learning activities and resources together.

3) Create puzzles using PuzzleMaker from

4) Copy and Paste the puzzles into Microsoft Word file and save this Word file.

5) Print this puzzle and ask one of your classmates to solve the puzzle.

5) Make screenshot of the puzzle you have created. Edit the screenshot using Microsoft Paint program. Save the image as .jpeg (in stead of .bmp).

6) Link your puzzle in Microsoft Word with the image of the puzzle as the link image.



Puzzle was based on a theme or topic related to you your classroom teaching.

1 point
Use Print Screen to catch the image of the Puzzle
1 point
Use MS Paint to crop the image and save it as a .jpeg
1 point
Link your puzzle in Microsoft Word with the image of the puzzle as the link image.
2 points
Reflections on the whole process of the this project. The reflections will mainly include the learning experiences of doing the project, the group work experiences, and finally how you are going to integrate these technology skills into your classroom teaching. In what ways will integrating these technologies and activities help your teaching?
1 point
Total   6 points

Due date: Week 12

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Acknowledgement: the design of this project is based on Dr. Hee-Young Kim and her Houston Team's PuzzleMaker Project.


This page was last updated on Apr.26, 2007
For comments or questions contact
Dr. Shufang Shi