Project # 9: Digital Storytelling


Please refer to Week 13 Digital Storytelling Class Schedule


To create digital stories using tools of digital media such as Microsoft PhotoStory 3. And link it to your ePorfolio.

What is Digital Storytelling? Here is the definition from Wikipedia:

Digital Storytelling reflects both a broad reference to the emergent new forms of digital narratives (web-based stories, interactive stories, hypertexts, and narrative computer games) as well as the specific approach of creating short digital films developed by the Center for Digital Storytelling. As an emerging area of creative work, the definition of digital storytelling is still the subject of much debate.

Typically, a digital story is a 2-5 minute film that combines a narrated piece of personal writing, photographic images and a musical soundtrack.


The philosophy behind this type of digital storytelling is one of using technology to enable those without a technical background to produce works that tell a story using moving images and sound (from Wikipedia).


Search the internet in groups and find Photo Story 3 tutorials that you like. Then, learn in your group how to use the program to create a photo story of your own - learning by doing!!!

Here is one of the tutorials made by the Instructional Technology Program graduate students at the University of Houston.


The technical requirements are open. Go as far as you can.

Due date: Week 13.

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This page was last updated on August 26, 2007
For comments or questions contact
Dr. Shufang Shi