Skaneateles Central School Class of 2014

The Graduates of 2014
(Source: The Syracuse Post-Standard, Friday, June 13, 2014)

Madeline Ross Adams
Colin M. Alexander
Dominique Angelo
Caroline J. Atwater (In Skaneateles Press but not in Syracusrw paper)
Adam Baker
Anna Marie Barnett
Nicole C. Beatson
Susan Bitter
Patrick J. Biver
Calvin D. Bohrer
Ashley Marie Bonocore
Colby Thomas Buell
Morgann Renee Byrne
Mia Victoria Campanile
Zachary Michael Cary
Alexandria Clark
Meghan M. Collins
Kiara Micaela Corcoran
Megan K. Corona
Ryan P. Danaher
Alaina Chandler Davis
John W. Dawley
William Delaney
Grace Marie Delasin
W. Keith Dickover
Kristina Catherine Didio
Bradley Alexander Ditch
Joanna Helen Dobrovosky
Brendan Famoly
Victoria Grace Field
Jessica M. Giacona
Kelly Elizabeth Giannone
Kevin Goetzmann
Mark Robert Goetzmann
Christopher J. Graham
Maxwell Thomas Grant
Connor J. Gray
Kyle A. Guthrie
Miranda Elizabeth Hagen
Virginia M. Hamlin
Louis Hanlon
Scott Henry Harrop
Sophie Adelaide Hearn
Soeren Heyber (foreign exchange student from Germany)
Nicholas J. Hyland
Shannon R. Iles
Keefe C. Janke
Alissa Catherine Jensen
Collin M. Jones
Jessica Lynn Jones
Michael Thomas Jorgensen
Matthew Kallas
Daniel M. Kerrigan
Christopher Ryan Knupp
Jeffrey Micheal Kringer
Joshua Ryan Kuhns
Jessica Jean Labourdette
Matthew Larsen
Matthew J. Lee
Adam Joseph Leesman
Luke Thomas Leubner
Hannah Kathleen Main
Morel Muir Malcolm
Christopher J. Mallory
Sepp A. Martin
Logan Patrick McAndrew
Kyle P. McAuliffe
Hannah Lynn McElroy
Christopher Dominick Meccarielli
David Thomas Michel Jr.
Jarrod Miles
Megan Elizabeth Molnar
Brandon R. Murray
Paul John Musso
Alana Michael Navaroli
Corey James Newell
Cullen Mckenzie Newland
Maya Q. Nicholson
Shannon Kathleen O'Brien
Malorie C. Olin
Natnicha` Padungpattanodom (foreign exchange student from Thailand)
Tyler J. Parr
John C. Parsons III
Matthew Rooney James Payne
Lucano Antonio Petrocci
Courtney Ann Pileski
Jessica M. Pileski
Michael Jonah Pileski
Kristen M. Pille
Harold Douglas Pinckney III
Jessica Lynn Pirro
Benjamin C. Pitman
Cooper A. Pitman
Bethany Rose Regan
Jacob Regan
Jacob Ryan Renz
Natalie M. Roche
Benjamin Nelson Roney
Aine M. Rooney
Michael R. Rulli
Katarzyna Rybczyk
Maria Rose Schillace
Madeline R. Sherman
Madison Lee Singler
Elizabeth C. Smith
Eloise E. Smith
Taylor Ashley Smith
Trevor Alexander Aylesworth Smith
Nicholas Andrew Smolenski
Alexander William Spalding
Michaela J. Stanton
Tyler M. Strods
Robert Temple
Ryan Terhune
Sarah A. Tomlinson
Casey Van Slyke
Jake J. Viscomi
Rachel V. Vreeland
Griffin Walawender
Courtney Elizabeth Walker
Benjamin J. Wellington
Ethan J. Wilcox
Zachary T. Wilmot
Molly Joann Wood
Taylor E. Woodruff
Fabiana Zedeno (foreign exchange student from Ecuador)

Valedictorian: Sophie Adelaide Hearn (Source: The Syracuse Post-Standard, Friday, June 13, 2014)
Salutatorian: Kiara Micaela Corcoran (Source: The Syracuse Post-Standard, Friday, June 13, 2014)
Kenneth Jennings Wooster
27 Abdallah Avenue
Cortland, New York 13045-3302
Telephone: 607-753-3558
File created: June 18, 2014.