Skaneateles High School Class of 1916

Senior Class Officers
Kenneth Putnam Holben, President
Marion Stuart, Vice-President
Louisa Loveless, Secretary
Howard Coons, Treasurer

The Graduates of 1916
(as listed in the 1916 Skaneateles Tiger)*

Eugene Allen
Marian Bishop
Nora Calkins
Hazel Caroline Chapman
Louise Churchill
Ted Clark
Crandall Cook
Leslie Cook
Howard Coons
Kenneth Covert
Helen Dunham
Evelyn Gunsalus
George Edward Haywood
Ila Gertrude Henry
Kenneth Putnam Holben
Gertrude Keebler
Lester Lader
Mary Larcolm
Louisa Loveless
Charles Major
Dorothy McCarthy
Theresa McLaughlin
Dorothy Miller
Ethel Perkins
Helen Ruth
Searles Shultz
Gertrude Slattery
Glad Smith
Gordon Stuart
Marion Agnes Stuart

* The Skaneateles Tiger, which was apparently published at the time of commencement in June 1916, had no list per se of seniors. My list has been extracted from a class history written by Gordon Stuart and from a class prophecy written by Ethel Perkins.

(The 1933-34 catalog of the Skaneateles High School lists also Earl J. Hoag and Grace Leader. The same catalog places Searles G. Shultz in the class of 1915 rather than 1916.)
Kenneth Jennings Wooster
27 Abdallah Avenue
Cortland, New York 13045-3302
Telephone: 607-753-3558
File created: December 9, 1998.
File modified: February 16, 2002; January 6, 2003.