Skaneateles High School Class of 1918

The Graduates of 1918
(as listed in the Democrat of Thursday, June 27, 1918)

Margaret Bassett
Harold Edward Cook
Mary Pauline Curtin
Marian Dando
Florence Green
Blanche Marian Gunsalus
John Heywood
Nina Belle Johnson
Hazel Irene Lamb
Electa Loveless
Katherine Maher
Helen Myers
Mabel Nesbit
Louise R. Shotwell
Doris Taylor
Zoraida Weeks
Margaret Ruth White
Bessie Williams

Valedictorian: Louise R. Shotwell
Salutatorian: Zoraida Weeks

President: John Heywood
Vice-President: Louise Shotwell
Secretary: Blanche Gunsalus
Treasurer: Zoraida Weeks
(Source: 17 May, 1918 morning edition of the Syracuse Post Standard.
Courtsy of Jack Enterline, SCHS class of 1960.
Kenneth Jennings Wooster
27 Abdallah Avenue
Cortland, New York 13045-3302
Telephone: 607-753-3558
File created: September 4, 1999.
File modified: January 6, 2003, May 17, 2010.