Skaneateles High School Class of 1922

The Graduates of 1922
(This list was transcribed from pages 69-70 of the 1933-34 Skaneateles High School Catalog.)

Helen C. Cunnan
Harry M. Dillon
Phebe Dorland
Mabel Escott
Ella Falkinburg
Alice G. Greenwood
Alice B. Haight
Harold Hardwich
Iva Hilton
Marion J. Krebs
Mary E. Landenberger
Isabelle Miller
Dorothy Murphy
Charles W. Ostrander
Regina Powers
William J. Russell
Kenneth Shepard
Aleene Smith
Rosamond Tucker
Laura Thomas
Kenneth Jennings Wooster
27 Abdallah Avenue
Cortland, New York 13045-3302
Telephone: 607-753-3558
File created: February 16, 2002.
File modified: January 7, 2003.