Skaneateles High School Class of 1927

The Graduates of 1927
(This list was transcribed from pages 73-74 of the 1933-34 Skaneateles High School Catalog.)

William Allyn
Nellie Andrews
Stanley Bass
Alice Burke
Gordon Eibert
Dorothea Evans
Louise Fisher
Carlton Hardwich
Wilma Horsington
Anna Laida
Gwendolyn Phillips
Rosina Pitman
Elizabeth M. Sweet
Asaph Waterman
Paul Waterman
Lillian Weeks
Ruth A. Wood
Margaret L. Youker
Kenneth Jennings Wooster
27 Abdallah Avenue
Cortland, New York 13045-3302
Telephone: 607-753-3558
File created: February 16, 2002.
File modified: January 2, 2003.