Skaneateles High School Class of 1933

The Graduates of 1933
(This list was transcribed from pages 79-80 of the 1933-34 Skaneateles High School Catalog.)

Betty B. Arton
Dorothy Jane Barber
Anna Baron
Violet Ellen Bennett
John E. Boskovitch
Frank Kent Bradford
Elizabeth Britcher
John Brock
Kathryn Casson
Virginia R. Chave
Robert James Checco
Carlene Ida Defendorf
Dorothy Dell
Louise Kingston Drew
Walter Thomas Duckett
Grace Lucille Evans
James Martin Feeney
John Rome Fibben
David R. Flynn
Elizabeth E. Green
Frances Jessie Gunsalus
Allen Franklin Harse
Frank Leroy Hollier
Dorothy Lucy Harris
Sidney E. Howe
Lawrence Wilson Hoyt
Eleanor Louise Hunt
Elizabeth Karlik
Leora Julia Kenyon
Helen Bernice Kingston
Anna Kovar
John William Kovar
Glenn Charles Leader
Margaret Adell Lewis
Roy lukins
William Huxford McGinn
Gladys Blanche McLaughlin
Arthurina Alice Miles
Eileen Elizabeth Miles
Rilla Jane Millier
Mary Esme Newkirk
Anna Obuck
Donald Walter Patten
Ernest Pitman
Edwin Redman
John William Rice
Margaret C. Schmitzler
Lillian E. Small
Marjorie Eleanor Squires
Marian Ieleen Stock
Louise Mae Sutton
Phyllis Ruth Taylor
Elwin W. Tinknell *
George Hurbert Vicary
Leon H. Wickham
Horace A. Wilcox
William H. Williams
Lynn Frederick Wright
* I had a note from Ivy Phyllis Tincknell Jones, Class of 1936, on May 26, 2007 informing me that the correct spelling is Tincknell.
Kenneth Jennings Wooster
27 Abdallah Avenue
Cortland, New York 13045-3302
Telephone: 607-753-3558
File created: February 16, 2002.
File modifieed: January 7, 2003; May 26, 2007.