Skaneateles High School Class of 1935

The Graduates of 1935
(as listed in the Skaneateles Press of Thursday, June 20, 1935)

Douglas Theodore Bockes
Joseph Henry Brock, Jr.
Richard Earl Brown
Howard John Clark
Charles John Clark
John Frederick Dando
Phelps Dickinson
Charles Droppa
William John Feeney
Liston Cady Gilroy
Charles W. Kimball, Jr.
William Edward Lawton
Russell Strong Maine
Elmore I. Palmer
Ceylon E. Russell
Martin Sefca, Jr.
John Lester Shultz
Homer Warren Smith
Mathew William Wall
Margaret Jane Bower
Ethel Florence Brice
Rowena Arlene Callender
Emogene D. Case
Emma Louise Clark
Helen S. Cole
Helen Henrietta Finn
Margaret Eleanor Gage
Pauline Hilda Gunsalus
Mildred Hales
Carolyn Wilhemina Holm
Edith Marion Hoyt
Harriett Marion Johnson
Bernice Mae Jecker
Anna Mae Long
Helen Alverna Magargel
Lovina Marjorie Patten
Agnes Louise Pendergast
Virginia Pendergast
Eva Dora Schaeffer
Ella Arlene Shipman
Flora B. Tinknell *
Dorothy Isabella Tuck
Dorothy Jane Walsh
* I had a note from Ivy Phyllis Tincknell Jones, Class of 1936, on May 26, 2007 informing me that the correct spelling is Tincknell.

Valedictorian: John L. Shultz
Salutatorian: Douglas T. Bockes

The following is from a commencement memories book belonging to Helen Henrietta Pell (née Finn), who now (2001) lives in Weedsport.

President: Lovina Patten
Vice President: John Shultz
Secretary: Howard Clark
Treasurer: Joseph Brock
Colors: red and silver
Flower: carnation
Motto: Post-Praelium praemium
Salutatorian: Douglas Bockes
Valedictorian: John Shultz
Kenneth Jennings Wooster
27 Abdallah Avenue
Cortland, New York 13045-3302
Telephone: 607-753-3558
File created: September 11, 1999.
File modified: March 2, 2001; January 7, 2003; May 26, 2007.