Skaneateles High School Class of 1941

Senior Class Advisors: Miss Margaret McCann and Mr. Howard A. Thayer

Senior Class Officers
David Huxford, President
Rosemary Gallinger, Vice-President
Margaret Hatch, Secretary
Thomas Denman, Treasurer

The Graduates of 1941
(as listed in the 1941 Comet)

Mary Barski
Shirley Bobbett
Bernice Brown
Charles Burtless
Anna Buso
George Buso
Katherine Buso
Ellen Church
William Clark
Mildred Cullen
Warren Giles
Joe Dambroso
Thomas Denman
Margaret Hatch
Anna Deyneka
Donald Droppa
Wesley Duiker
Rosemary Gallinger
Leo Cutillo
William Harper
Edna Harris
Carl Dennis
Edith Henry
Robert Holben
Raymond Hopkins
David Huxford
Julien Johnson
Howard Jones
Russell Kastick
Shirley Klump
Charles Kovar
Kenneth Lader
Robert Landon
Edwin Lewis
John McLean
Agnes Meaker
Eleanor W. Mills
Mary Ellen Munson
Betty Murphy
Alta Newkirk
Eileen O'Hara
James O'Neill
Helen Pinker
Joanne Polley
Betty Rannings
Gladys Rogers
Doris Schillawski
Olive Shapley
Beth Shipman
Eleanor Stewart
Eleanor Surdam
Donald Whiting
Per the June 27, 1941, edition of the Skaneateles Free Press,
the class Valedictorian was Olive Shapley (GPA of 90.5) and
the Salutatorian was Bernice Brown (GPA of 89.5).
(Thanks to Jack Enterline, Class of 1960, for this addition.)
Kenneth Jennings Wooster
27 Abdallah Avenue
Cortland, New York 13045-3302
Telephone: 607-753-3558
Last Modified: December 10, 1998; September 28, 2003; June 26, 2010; June 20, 2013