Skaneateles High School Class of 1948

Class Flower: White Carnation
Class Colors: Maroon and White
Class Motto: We shall strive with things impossible; Yes, get the better of them.

Senior Class Officers
Richard Kovar, President
Heath Bobbett, Vice-President
Diane Barnes, Secretary
Adele Farren, Treasurer

Senior Class Advisors: Miss Elinor Emery and Mr. Russell Gilbert

The Graduates of 1948
(As listed in the commencement program)

Diane Papworth Barnes
Walda Barski
Harriet Hannah Bishop
George Heath Bobbett
William Maurice Brothers
Florence Ellen Bryant
David Serge Bushallow
Elizabeth Jean Cady
Nancy Barbara Carroll
Kathryn Rae Dando
John Boswell Dobson III
Marie Adele Farren
Ruth Norma Faulkner
Frank Bowker Fisher
Doris Lucille Foster
Gordon William Herrick
Ellen Jane Huey
Gene Marie Ide
Katherine Anna Klimek
Mary Olga Koruna
Richard Daniel Kovar
Barbara Jane Kuppinger
Alice Laida
Elizabeth Laida
Viola Mildred Lansbury
Annie Eliza Lewis
Ann Sealy McLaughlin
John Ramsey Michaels
Marion Margaret Mooney
Dorothy Nikodem
Frank Joseph Noble
Margaret Pinker
Harold Edward Riker
Margie Aletta Ryder
Shirley Ann Sagen
Lois Emma Splane
Marie Ann Steele
Valerie Virginia Thompson
Leona Jean Vile
Carlton George Wellman
Shirley Elizabeth Westcott
Kenneth Jennings Wooster

The email addresses are updated to those that I have on 28 September, 2010. Let me know of any additions or corrections. If you have moved recently or are otherwise out of touch, come back. We need you. We want you. Update your address!


Monthly Luncheon

The monthly luncheon is the third Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Sherwood Inn. Please feel free to join us any month whether you be a class member or simply a friend of the class. It might be well to call ahead to either Peg, Betty, or Ken if you have not been attending regularly, but only once in the past twelve years have we been forced (by renovation work at the Sherwood) to meet elsewhere, and only once have we moved the date (due to proximity to a holiday). We have been very regular! The group dwindles but is usually around six to eight in number, but we have had as many as twenty-something (July of 2010).
Kenneth Jennings Wooster
27 Abdallah Avenue
Cortland, New York 13045-3302
Telephone: 607-753-3558
File created: ????
File modified: 18 October 1997, 21 April 2002, 8 June 2003, 28 July 2003, 26 March 26 2004, 3 November 2007, 28 September 2010.