Skaneateles High School Class of 1949

Senior Class Advisors: Miss Josephine Antonacci and Mr. Lionel Taylor

Senior Class Officers
David Butler, President
Alan Holbein, Vice-President
Barbara Bentley, Secretary
Russel Zechman, Treasurer

The Graduates of 1949
(as listed in the 1949 Comet)

Norma Louise Abrams
Beverly Ann Bailey
Gerald Barnett
Barbara Ann Bentley
David Alan Butler
Beryl Elizabeth Cameron
James Ciccone
Eugene Chapman
Beverly Jane Cook
Eunice Louise Daggett
Barbara Jane Deles
Joseph Thomas Fielding
Emily Harriet Fonda
Janice Aileen Gaylord
John Henry Gregory
Andrew Francis Hanley, Jr.
Alan Robert Holbein
Alice Maureen Honan
Harold Lacy Horsington
Anne Paul Ivory
Eloise Jeanette Kelly
Thomas Alton Kuppinger
Evelyn Viola Lader
Marjorie Ann Loss
Charles Henry McCarthy, Jr.
Susan Mildred Michales
Lynda Louise Miller
Jane Katherine Mooney
Francis Wayne Murphy
James Edward O'Hara
Carol Joy Osborne
David Ian Payne
Douglas Harold Richards
Roger Lyman Shultz
Doris Helen Stebbins
Janet Ruth Tucker
John Frederick Tucker
Shirley Johanna Vought
Margart Elizabeth White
Russel Paul Zechman
Kenneth Jennings Wooster
27 Abdallah Avenue
Cortland, New York 13045-3302
Telephone: 607-753-3558
File created: 19 May 1998.
File modified: September 28, 2003.