Skaneateles Central School Class of 1962

Planning for a Fortieth Reunion is under way--August 3, 2002, in Skaneateles.
Save the date!

Senior Class Officers
Alfred M. Rice, President
Dale F. Schramm, Vice-President
Dale Metzler, Secretary
Bob Foeppel, Treasurer

The Graduates of 1962
(This list was obtained January 21, 2002, from Nan E. Rich.
Nan is a representative of the class to the Skaneateles Schools Alumni Association and can be reached via email at

Carol Adams
Margaret Austin
Robert Beaulieu
Raymond Bisgrove
Harold Blacking
Barbara Blaney
Susan Brewer
Irving (Buzz) Brown
Helen (Jude) Buff
John Burleigh
Suzanne Bush
Eddward Buttolph
Julie Clark
Joan Clark
Bonnie Clarke
Ellen Coleman
Kathleen Conners
Harry Curtis
Joan Czoloski
M. Katherine DiCarlo
Mary DiCarlo
Marcia Dickenson
Beverly Eastman
William Edgar
Sandy Effinger
James Edson
John English
Janet Ewing
Nancy Ferguson
John Flannigan
Bob Foeppel
Bill Forward
James Garvey
Richard Grandy
Richard Hahn
Margaret Hanigan
James Harvey
Cheryl Harvard
Diane K. Hill (name added 4/27/2012)
Allen Hodge
Karen Honsberger
David Hufford
Priscilla Hughes
Robert lonta
Pieter Jacques
Vanie Jones
G. Maureen Karlik
Mary Kiefer
Kathleen Kiefer
Stephen Kish
James Koehn
Kathleen Kortright
Patricia Kortright
Marilyn Laxton
Linda Kay LeFevre
Marie Loughrey
Sharon Mack
Helen MacKenzie
Tony Maturevitz
James Maley
John McCauley
Dale Metzler
Martha Miller
Carol Murray
Anthony Niguez
David Nikodem
Arthur O'Neill
Daniel O'Shea
A. James Pardee
Rose Petrie
Janet Peikarski
Sandra Piotrowski
Sandra Rankins
Bob Rauscher
John Reynolds
Alfred Rice
Janet Rice
Barbara Rich
Nan Rich
Judy St. John
Sandra Sartp
Dale Schramm
Ann Schwenk
Daniel Sheldon
Norman Shepard
Peter Shumway
Gerald Sill
Katherine Sliter
Bonnie Slaght
Gary Sloan
Fred Smith
Thomas Southern
Doreen Spearing
Jeannette Spearing
Terrance Squires
William Stock
Margaret Tanner
Carol Tewes
Nancy Tokarz
Carolyn Watson
Carol Wiley
John Wilson
Poly Wolde-Emmanuel
Kenneth Jennings Wooster
27 Abdallah Avenue
Cortland, New York 13045-3302
Telephone: 607-753-3558
File created: February 3, 2002
Last modified: February 3, 2002; April 27, 2012