Skaneateles Central School Class of 1991

Class Motto: Apart from the Crowd

Senior Class Officers
Michelle Bossi, President
Emily North, Vice-President
Anna Longacre, Secretary
Jason Highsmith, Treasurer

The Graduates of 1991
(This list was obtained from the 1991 Comet.
My thanks go to Carol Davis McNeil for transcribing the data and sending it to me.)

Al J. Albring
Timothy Scott Atwater
Francis B. Barton
Tim Bean
Holly Sue Benda
Steve Aaron Bishop
Bethany A. Blackmer
Stacey Alexis Bonnell
Michelle L. Bossi
Nikki Bourke
Charles B. Brooks
Scott L. Brooks
Kelly Anne Brothers
Christine M. Brown
Erin Brown
Megan Maureen Casselman
Brian E. Cirigliano
Timothy Cirincione
Harley D. Collard
Laurel Michelle Collins
Shawn M. Corcoran
Sara Crothers
Susan M. Crowther
Shawn M. Cunningham
Christina Czolowski
Matt Dailey
James P. Darrow
Noah Judson Davis
Jason J. DiNardo
Johathan M. Doctor
Johathan L. Dower
Fabian B. Duque
Jon C. Erickson
Chris Evans
Kelly Maren Ferris
John C. Freedman
Markus W. Frick
Shannon B. Gillen
Donald S. Gleason
Pamela L. Gary
James Griffin
Michael E. Hancock
Alexandra N. Harvard
Nancy A. Hauaver
Hannah Hawkes
Jason M. Highsmith
Jennifer Hopkins
Matthew W. Hunt
Keif Irvin
Heather Elizabeth Johnson
Jennifer A. Jones
Robert J. Kennedy
Jennifer A. Kershaw
Lori J. Kiefer
Jennifer L. Klimek
Lenore Elena Kosoff
Fumie Kurosawa
Elizabeth Ann Laskie
Gregory R. Laskie
Andrew R. Liegel
Anna Virginia Longacre
Chad M. Longway
Jennifer Laurie Lyons
Lori Marie Matson
Ally Mathews
Barbara Mayer
Aimee E. McAuliffe
Jennifer Erin McCarthy
Jessica Lynn Meyer
David Miles
Kerriann Miller
James F. Morrissey
Wedny J. Moss
Mary Beth Murdick
Marc T. Murphy
Rebecca L. Navin
V. Lyn Nicoletti
Emily J. North
Jennifer Peters
David L. Phetteplace
Merydith K. Pollock
Dietrich Rapalski
Eva-Lena Maria Rehnmark
Jacqueline Holly Reid
Denise M. Richards
Patrick Rio
Brendan James Ryan
Sara Schultz
Josey Lynn Schwartz
Eric R. Sell
Scott Short
BrandyMarie Smith
Thomas A. Smith
Fred Squires
Peter James Stonecipher
Sean P. St. Pierre
Catherine Elaine Taggart
Lori J. Tarleton
Michell Templeton
Matt Valenti
Tony Walsh
Rebecca Lisanne Wells
John Willis
Yutaka Yabe
Kenneth Jennings Wooster
27 Abdallah Avenue
Cortland, New York 13045-3302
Telephone: 607-753-3558
File created: June 7, 2002.
File modified: January 1, 2003.