Skaneateles Central School Class of 1993

Class Song: Revolution - Beatles

Class Theme: Unity in Motion

Senior Class Officers
Pat Iles, President
Bryan Wymbs, Vice-President
Erin Finnie, Secretary
John Cirincione, Treasurer

The Graduates of 1993
(This list was obtained from the 1993 Comet.
My thanks go to Carol Davis McNeil for transcribing the data and sending it to me.)

Jeff A. Akins
Jimmie B. Allred IV
Trisha M. Arnold
Windy L. Barnett
Dallas J. Barton
Moira A. Bench
Brooke Lee Bennett
Linn Bergstad
Michelle E. Bevier
Jeffrey G. Bobbett
Tim R. Bourque
Jennifer B. Bradley
Heather M. Breh
Aaron Brownlee
Tracey L. Buff
Lee H. Buttolph
Amrita O. Candela
Bobbi J. Carothers
Alexandria Chamberlain
Joe M. Ciccone
John Cirincione
Emily J. Clancy
Kim Clark
Michele M. Corey
Peter M. Corrigan
James Cramer
Dory A. Dart
Lauren R. Delaney
Jeffrey J. Diehl
Erin L. Diel
Scott Dewitt
Alexander E. Dippold
Jeffrey A. Duckett
Nathan Emmons
Kelly S. Evans
Matthew A. Evans
Erin Finnie
Peter M. Fleckenstein
Amy Fletcher
Eric Freedman
Shane B. Gillen
Melissa B. Gillmore
Victoria J. Gregg
Chester N. Hahn II
Edward J. Hahn
Patricia Hartquist
Amanda M. Heinz
Matthew A. Horrocks
Jason Howard
Patrick Iles
Andres Jaramillo
Fred Jones, Jr.
Kelly A. Kirk
Stefan Kowalski
Adam Kurowski
John W. Lake
Tri Lam
Kyle Laskie
Greg Liegel
Shane Dylan Lipe
Andrew Evans Longacre
Douglas W. Lootens
Sarah B. Lowry
Alison Mahoney Lynch
Holly C. Manning
Stephen M. Manning
Stefanie R. Mathew
Joseph McIntyre
Catherine Mecomber
Sara E. Milicich
Jenny Lorie Pascal
Daniela Pacha
Todd S. Pavlus
Stephanie J. Place
Nicolas Polanco
Brandon W. Porter
Kimberlee A. Priest
Rebecca A. Richards
Seth O. Richards
Robert E. Rodormer, Jr.
Rebecca M. Rosbrook
Nora W. Russell
Marcia L. Saunders
Bridget L. Schrader
Brian Short
James R. Snyder
Chris M. Spillmann
Jennifer Lynn St. Mire
Todd M. Stenhouse
Jane McKay Stevens
Monica A. Sullivan
Aaron M. Surdam
Jesse T. Sutton
Chase Taggart
Heather M. Tank
Julia R. Taormina
Jennifer L. Tarleton
Krista M. Thompson
Joshua M. Thornton
Amy Traver
Susan Walsh
Kalle Weckman
Vanessa Whiting
Nathaniel Wilson
Veronica Winkler
Amy O. Woods
Michele L. Wright
Bryan E. Wymbs
Kenneth Jennings Wooster
27 Abdallah Avenue
Cortland, New York 13045-3302
Telephone: 607-753-3558
File created: February 21, 2002.
File modified: January 1, 2003.