You will find on this page information, materials, and other resources to accompany the course. As this site will be updated throughout the semester, check back often.
Earth Science is an introductory natural science course designed for non-science majors. We cover a wide variety of topics, from Plate Tectonics to Rocks to the Atmosphere to Tsunamis. The course is included in both the College's General Education program (Cortland GE 8a) and SUNY's General Education program (SUNY GE 2). The catalog description is below:
Earth Science (GLY 171) -- Basic concepts and principles of geology, meteorology, and oceanography. Three lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. Not open to geography, mathematics, or science majors or to students with credit for GLY 160 or 261. (4 sem. hr.)
Dr. Robert S. Darling
323 Bowers Hall
voice: x2923
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Darling's Home Page
Page Created: January 2007