Herpetology example

To submit data that you have collected, use the following steps

Submitting data to this project requires that you know the genus and species of your specimen and the exact location where you collected the specimen. The steps below will help you find this information before you submit the data.

1. Identify your collected species

Use the keys

2. Find your location

Directions for Using TopoZone

1. Use the www.topozone.com web site

2. Select View Maps. You may now search for anything that is printed on a USGS map. For example, the town Homer, the city Cortland, or even the neighborhood Pokeville or German Four Corners. Spelling must match USGS spelling.

3. Type the name to search. Click the Search button. All matches will be listed. If there are multiples, you can click on the correct match.

4. The map will have a red X on the current location. You can move the X by clicking anywhere on the map. Once you have located the exact spot, select ??? for the Coordinate Format and ??? for the Coordinate Datum.

5. Write down the Longitude and latitude. Close the window and enter the data in the form.

3. Submit the data

Submit the data