MAT 329                             Fall 17
Chaos and Fractals

Instructor: Isa S. Jubran, PhD
Office: Moffett 121C, Phone: Ext. 2968
Office Hours: Please see my web page.
Text: Robert L. Devaney, "A First Course in Chaotic Dynamical Systems: Theory and Experiment"
Online Resources: Fractal Geometry, IFS Construction Kit, Iterated Function Systems

Course Information: This course focuses on the study of chaotic dynamical systems and fractal geometry. Topics from discrete dynamical systems theory include iteration, orbits, graphical analysis, fixed and periodic points, bifurcations, symbolic dynamics, chaos, and Sarkovskii’s theorem. Topics from fractal geometry include fractal dimension, iterated function systems, and the Julia and Mandelbrot sets.

Assignments: You learn mathematics by doing mathematics. Therefore, Homework problems intended to test and deepen your understanding of the concepts presented in class will be assigned. These will be collected, and a few problems from each homework will be chosen at random for grading. It is important to note that the solutions to the problems will be graded for accuracy in full, and just an answer will not earn any credit. Sorry, no late homework will be accepted.

Fractal Project: Each student will be expected to complete a fractals project. A list of possible project topics will be provided later in the semester.

Exams: There will be two in-class exams and a final exam. The exact dates for the tests will be announced in class at least one week in advance, but for now these are tentatively scheduled during the weeks of September 25 and October 30. Students are expected to take all exams when they are scheduled. Make-up exams require serious extenuating circumstances of which the instructor should be made aware prior to the scheduled exam time and official documentation.

Grading:Your grade will be determined as follows:

Homework 25%
Fractals Project 15%
2 In-class Exams 40% (20% each)
Final Exam 20%
Total 100%

Attendance Policy: Attendance is very important and shows that you value your education and take it seriously. By choosing to miss class without having a legitimate excuse, you forfeit your right to seek my help with material discussed during your absence. All cell phones must be turned off or silenced during class. If you must take an emergency call, please leave the room to minimize distracting others. It is not appropriate or acceptable to text during class.

Honor Code: You are encouraged to discuss the homework with others but be an active participant and do not let others think for you. On the other hand, exams are to be strictly your own work.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be dealt with harshly. Please read and understand SUNY Cortland's Academic Integrity Statement.

SUNY Cortland is committed to upholding and maintaining all aspects of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accommodations, please contact the Office of Student Disability Service located in B-40 Van Hoesen or call 753-2066 for an appointment. Because many accommodations require early planning, requests for accommodations should be made as early as possible.

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