SUNY Cortland

Department of International Communications and Culture

FRE 102 (001-002) Intermediate French I


Fall 2003                                                                 Bob Ponterio

3 cr. hrs                                                                   Tel: 2027    home: 756-4813      

sec.001- MWF 9:10-10:00                                             Office: Main 225 D

sec.002- MWF 10:20-11:10                                           Office hrs: TTH 1-3 & by appt.

Dowd Fine Arts 52                                           




         Contacts, 7rd Ed., Valette & Valette, Houghton Mifflin

         Cahier d’activités to accompany Contacts


Course Description: Continuation of work begun in FRE 101. Prerequisite: FRE 101 (3 cr. hr.)



Taking a French Language course involves "experiencing" a certain amount of discussion and learning in the classroom.  For this reason attendance at class meetings is essential.  Students simply cannot miss a week or so of French classes and then "make it up" on their own.  Therefore, if you have more than 3 unexcused absences by the end of the semester your participation grade will be lowered by 5/100 for each additional absence.  (Only serious illnesses and problems at home, religious holidays and sports competitions are considered excused absences.  A doctor's note will be required.) It is to your advantage to inform me before any class which you must miss.  Contact ICC or my office.  Work missed whether from an excused or unexcused absence must still be completed, and it is the student's responsibility to see that this is done quickly.



                  Written Tests & Quizzes       30%

                  Oral Tests                        10%

                  Workbook & Homework       20%

                  Compositions                    10%

                  Daily Participation              5%

                  Skit                                5%

                  Final Exam                       20%


A scale of 0‑100 will be used as follow:          A+      97        100

                                                      A       93        96

                                                      A‑      90        92

                                                      B+      87        89

                                                      B       83        86 etc...


French 102 is a course designed for students who have previously taken one semester of French or whose placement recommendation indicates that 102 is the appropriate level.  We will develop your ability to speak, read and write in French by using the language to communicate with each other.  For example, we will do skits, group activities, simulations, etc. in a warm, friendly atmosphere.  Since in using this approach to learning French we will be speaking about yourselves and the French speaking world, we hope you will find the course challenging, stimulating and fun.


Learning a language is psychologically different from learning most other things.  Just as you speak English without really thinking about it, you need to learn to use French without having to think through all of the grammar rules.  To do this, it is important to:

1:   concentrate on meaning  (You will not remember what you don't understand.  This will help grammar as much as vocabulary.))

2:   avoid translation  (Don't think in English while you're trying to speak or write in French.)

3:   practice a lot  (Listening, reading, speaking with others about anything, or even talking to yourself will help.)


It will be essential that you PREPARE grammar lessons at home before coming to class so that we will be able to spend more class time straightening out any problems and especially doing more interesting activities using what you have learned. (Take notes and/or use index cards)



All major tests will be announced.  ABSENCE FROM TESTS WILL BE EXCUSED ONLY IN THE PRESENCE OF WRITTEN PROOF OF A VALID REASON FOR YOUR ABSENCE.  UNEXCUSED ABSENCE CAN RESULT IN FAILURE IN THE COURSE. Notify me ahead of time when you know you must miss a test and make appropriate arrangements. The final exam will be cumulative, so learn to take good notes as you study before coming to class and in class.  It will not only be very beneficial but will make your life much easier at the end of the semester!  At least one short Quiz will be given in each chapter and will be announced.


Homework and Compositions:

Due dates for course assignments will be announced in class with the assignment.  You are responsible for EVERYTHING done in class or assigned as homework.  If you miss anything for whatever reason, it is your responsibility to find out what it is and to make it up.  You should expect to do ALL assignments on time in order to profit from your work.  Late homework might not be accepted for grading and failure to complete a major assignment might result in a failure in the course.  Assignments that are late, incomplete or poorly prepared will be graded accordingly.


Web Assignments: Web-based assignments developed for each unit of this course through a Title III funded grant are located online at:


Language Lab: Lab work is required. The multimedia language lab is located in OM 223.  You will need to spend one hour a week at your convenience.  Bring in a good 60 minutes quality tape to allow the lab assistant to duplicate the lesson for you.  You can then listen to it in one of the booth or take it home (note that you can only record your answers in the lab).  Lab materials can also be accessed in mp3 format online at:


Goals and Objectives - Communication:

Because a very important course goal in French 102 is the development of speaking and listening skills, a large part of your grade will be based on your achievement in these areas.  Oral participation in class will serve as the basis for evaluation of these goals, as well as listening sections on tests.  You should practice in the laboratory, the classroom  and in pairs outside of class.  Take an active role in  interviews and other small‑group conversational activities.  If you work on these goals regularly, you should find that your listening and speaking proficiency develops fairly rapidly and you will be able to use the French you have learned in "real‑world" situations outside the classroom.


ACADEMIC DISHONESTY - from college handbook:


. . . It is . . . the professional responsibility of all faculty to explain the importance of honesty and respect for knowledge in order to ensure an academic environment that encourages integrity. 

. . . it is the responsibility of students to protect their own work from inappropriate use by others . . .

Academic integrity is absolutely essential to ensure the validity of the grading system and maintain high standards of academic excellence.  In addition, all members of the academic community must exhibit behavior exemplifying academic honesty and encourage such behavior in others.


340.02      ACADEMIC DISHONESTY --  1. Plagiarism 

Each student is expected to present his or her own work.  All papers, examinations, and other assignments must be original or explicit acknowledgment must be given for the use of other persons' ideas or language. . .



(1)    The person reporting an instance of alleged academic dishonesty shall complete and forward to

 the Office of Judicial Affairs the Disclosure and Notification of an Academic Dishonesty Charge form.

. . . If the filer of the notification form is a faculty member, whenever possible she/he shall discuss the incident with the student prior to forwarding the form to the Office of Judicial Affairs.


Student Disability Services:

SUNY Cortland is committed to upholding and maintaining all aspects of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accommodations, please contact the Office of Disability Services located in B-40 Van Hoesen Hall or call (607) 753-2066 for an appointment.  Any information regarding your disability will remain confidential.  Because many accommodations require early planning, requests for accommodations should be made as early as possible.  Any requests for accommodations will be reviewed in a timely manner to determine their appropriateness to this setting.


FRE 101 and the Conceptual Framework:

This course, as is the case with all of our offerings in the ICC Department, is rooted in the ideals of liberal learning. The underlying ideal in all of our classes, whether they be literature-, culture-, or language-based, is that all three of these elements are interwoven.  The specific knowledge and perspectives that will be acquired in this class reflect SUNY Cortland’s commitment to instilling in our students an acumen for themes and issues pertaining to Global Understanding (knowledge of the interconnectedness of the natural and human experience through exposure to the political, social, economic and religious differences of the target language’s literature and civilization) and Social Justice (comparison and contrast of issues of social justice, equality, and democracy between our society and those of the target language).



27 août         Introduction

29               Review Unit 1; Lesson 19 pp. 274-83 ; wkbk pp. 145-6 assigned for HW ; lab pp 349-350 (lab assignments follow text assignments and refer back to the text).


1 sept.          Lesson 19 pp. 284-6 * (Always do accompanying tape for text assignments.)
Lesson 20 pp 288-90; wkbk pp. 145-8 should be done; Review -ir & -re verbs pp. 183-85;
Aperçu culturel pp. 320-21 - Take notes in French on key information.

3                 Lesson 20 pp. 291-98; wkbk pp. 151-53; Review numbers p. 65;
Aperçu culturel pp. 322-23 - Take notes in French.

5                 Expect a Quiz; Lesson 20 pp. 299-301; wkbk 153-54;
Aperçu culturel pp. 324-25 - Take notes.


8                 Lesson 21 pp. 302-311; wkbk pp. 157-59.

10               Lesson 21 pp. 312-15; wkbk pp. 159-160.
Aperçu culturel pp. 326-27.

12               Lesson 21 pp. 316-19; wkbk pp. 164-166.


15               Unit 7 Test & bring corrected WB (with a different color pen)









1 oct.          

3                 Unit 8 Test & bring corrected WB (with a different color pen)













27               Unit 9 Test & bring corrected WB (with a different color pen)




3 nov.          








17               Unit 10 Test & bring corrected WB (with a different color pen)





26               Thanksgiving break

28               Thanksgiving break


 1 déc.          


 5                Unit 11 Test (partial) & bring corrected WB (with a different color pen)





FINAL EXAM:  001 Tues. 12/16, 10:30-12:30  pm  /  002 Mon. 12/15, 1:00-3:00